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Everything posted by Punkeyboozter

  1. Punkeyboozter

    bl suggestions

    sounds ok. ive ordered 2 loaded BL12"s myself and build a box that is around 4.1 cbf after displacement and the box is huge so make sure you have the space when you talk about 6 Ft
  2. Punkeyboozter

    Missed Excitement

    if only they cost that much around here, they ask $2000 singapore dollar for a 3-way setup. if they were 210 ill take them any day. as for the crossover i think most who run high end speakers will run active anyway
  3. Punkeyboozter

    Transmission Line box

    even so ...often times a phase shift or TA will fix that problem
  4. Punkeyboozter

    suggestions on electrical

    ^^^ so true but if you take it easy you should be fine. most stock sutups (appart from cable upgrades will hande 1000RMS if you are carefull. Get that HO and things should be even better.
  5. Punkeyboozter

    Missed Excitement

    I would also have gotten a pair if they didnt cost 2 months rent over here
  6. Punkeyboozter


    Stipulations: 1.) Must all ready own a amplifier with output between 250w-400w @ 2 ohm mono. Must list what amplifier it is. OPTI 200x4/saz-3000D 2.) Must have Stereo installation experience. List your experience. Started with PA systems and DJ'ing till I was old enough to have my own car 3.) Must be an ACTIVE SSA MEMBER with >=75 posts. Checked 4.) Must do a pictorial or build log of system with in two weeks of receiving subs... ...sure will cos I want to add something small in passenger footwell on top of what is in the boot and then be able to switch between the two depending on application. 5.) Must do a medium length review with a decent array of music, listing sample tracks. No problem 6.) Will post review + build log(pictures) on multiple sites Done my Buildlog is already on SSA SMD and soon to be on sgsoundforum (international FTW)
  7. Punkeyboozter

    Fi sales: concerned

    sorry to say but I have the same concern, Sometimes I get a response other times I dont.. I placed an order last week; give my card details and to date still havnt received a payment confirmation or a shipping number, me being on the other side of the world just feel a tad worried. .....and if this is normal maybe they can hire a sexy office runner, this will increase customer satisfaction. just my 0.02 cents
  8. Punkeyboozter

    One loud Trunk

    Guy who did the recone on these before I got them didn't use enough glue on the spider landing thus there early demise the first go round. The marks were already on the dust caps. The cones dont seem to like the activator much. Seems to turn them white. seeing where you live might as well call them snowy-cones or snowcones lol
  9. Punkeyboozter

    difference between GEL and AGM technologies

    you want to focus on AH
  10. Punkeyboozter

    Punkey's Build Log

    Little update, After numerous test fits and lots of cursing, it turned out that I can actually put the box in the trunk but its a long and painfull process. how do you guys like my speaker terminals ....overkill sure; copper all-thread using size 12 nuts sweee sligtly off next to the port, but i think it turned out all right seeing that I build it in the trunk for a large part of it. FYI if it was 1mm bigger it wouldnt fit ...so im as happy as a pig in sh!t She aint completely done yet but its getting close cables and accessories ordered..........check subs ordered.........check How do you like $937.50 for 2 loaded BL's shipped? Crazy I know, better be worth it, but that is the price you have to pay for living on a Island. Maybe this will give you an idea on the price of the other items.
  11. Punkeyboozter

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    not sure if they do but FI will ship anywhere as long as you are willing to pay might want to check with these guys http://www.bladeice.com
  12. Punkeyboozter

    One loud Trunk

    ghetto biaatch haha very impreseive non the less. looks like those subs had some other repair work done to them as well?(over the cone)
  13. Punkeyboozter

    lil somthin i made

  14. Punkeyboozter

    External Port: Good or bad?

    inside outside all the same, just make sure it is nice and strong as it would be more vulnerable outside the box
  15. Punkeyboozter

    Dustcap color options

    You could powdercoat it yourself... I'll sell you a powercoating system im not into this whole powdercoating thing, but for intrests sake how much does a set up like that go for? ~ $100 Thanks
  16. Punkeyboozter


    haha and I found it. think I called his personal phonee and whoke him from half way around the world, but he was still willing to help
  17. Punkeyboozter


    well ill be damned, ive been mailing them a 100 times to get a number but still didnt get it. no-wonder Fi is too shy to admit they dont have a phone.. I suppose times are tuff
  18. Punkeyboozter

    Fi BL VS Nightshade poll

    Ya the problem is I only have about 15" of hight and the box max hight will most likely be 14" so it will have to be 12" 's unless i put a single sub on its back and work my way into the wheel whell which i dont think will work so nicely in a trunk car
  19. Punkeyboozter

    Fi BL VS Nightshade poll

    Please give me your reasons. Will be running 2 12's of a 3000D the Bl will be loaded...not sure on the nightshades options though
  20. Punkeyboozter

    Fi BL VS Nightshade poll

    right thx, reason why I am asking is we dont have local dealers for these and I never heard any of them except on pootube. Innetially i thought i would be a BTL kinda guy but just dont have the electrical to support two 12 and a single 15 just wont fit. thanks for all the input
  21. Punkeyboozter

    Would I Need BP Power?

    i think there is no need for that but its always good to have a bit of play either way.
  22. Punkeyboozter

    BL Box Build

    hell box is sexy, second that
  23. Punkeyboozter

    Fi BL VS Nightshade poll

    I only have space for 2 12's that being said I take it the answer will be the BL;s in this application running of 3000RMS from what I have heard both the BL and the BTL have a similar sound. mind sharing how much those shades will go for for interest sake?
  24. Punkeyboozter

    Dustcap color options

    You could powdercoat it yourself... I'll sell you a powercoating system im not into this whole powdercoating thing, but for intrests sake how much does a set up like that go for?
  25. Punkeyboozter

    opinions wanted

    looking good but For some reason im not getting any sound