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Everything posted by cobracommander

  1. cobracommander

    cheap 0/1 wire

    that wire shipped to me is $2.80/foot http://cgi.ebay.com/1-0-Welding-Battery-Ca...A1%7C240%3A1318 $2.46/ft edit- sorry quoted the wrong quote
  2. cobracommander

    cheap 0/1 wire

    still more than what I usaully pay
  3. does the same belt run the power steering and alt? Thats why I say belt. Or could be a tensioner problem.
  4. cobracommander

    Need Subsonic filter for Home theater build.

    FMODS suck
  5. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

  6. cobracommander

    8 Cubes @ 34 hz Pair of 15's- Plexi

    great work like always
  7. cobracommander

    2008 Jeep Patriot

    You dont have the flip down speaker box chit? I was pretty impressed with the space inside (I work at a dealership), doesnt look like much from the outside.
  8. cobracommander

    learn somethin new everyday

    you stated since you got back into car audio Fi is by far your favorite company. just wondering how many companies have you tried. no I didnt
  9. cobracommander

    learn somethin new everyday

    ok i hope so, i was about to get slightly pissed
  10. cobracommander

    learn somethin new everyday

    you callin me spam?
  11. cobracommander

    learn somethin new everyday

    what do you want to know that is different? Is on high line and one low line? Neither. They both are different. You would be suprised how many 'name brand' woofers on the market are made buy the same build houses. Just to different specs that may meet their consumer. Is one better than the other? NO.
  12. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    thats pretty cool, thing is if you really really want some old ass kickers you can still buy them from Credence. With a high price tag.
  13. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

  14. cobracommander

    MLI book shelfs

    should sound sweet
  15. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    I remember those. Pretty much a pro audio woofer
  16. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    Yea I know CV was bought out I just wanted it for nastalgia purposes. There are a ton of woofers out there. I have been lookin around for some old solobarics, kicker competitions, CV, MTX, etc just because for some reason I feel the need to have another set of 90's woofers lol. Anyways I think Dr. Crank has their prices set waaay too high when there are plenty of companies with comparable woofers for half that.
  17. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    I worked at a shop in the early 90's. We sold alot of pyramid gold series/super blue/legacy subs. They were pretty decent. A $60-$80 sub was up to par with a $100-$120 'namebrand' sub I would say. They also had some serious junk too. We also sold some Atomic and Avalanche. Wasnt a huge shop, it was mainly a tv/vcr repair place, audio was just the owners hobby. We sold a chit ton of the old bronze Legacy amps that said Legacy in gold letters on the top. Pretty good mid grade. Learned alot there. I wish CV would make some pink surround subs like the older ones. 2 15's would be sweet in my dd. And not those pos 200w rms subs they just made, something like 5-600w rms would be nice.
  18. cobracommander

    High ohm subwoofer?

    maybe it uses a tube amp
  19. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    Its kind of funny how the older 'high power' woofers were more or less pro audio woofers. I want some B52's though lol
  20. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    I dont remember their amps but I remember a few setups with their subs that got loud. Gotta remember back then a sub that could handle 1000w you couldnt just buy anywhere, there were only a handful aof manufacturers that made them and they cost like $900 for one. I think he has his prices set to the early 90's when only 3 or 4 companies made high power subs. Im not paying $900 for a sub that I can get for less than half that and will handle the same power.
  21. cobracommander

    Dr. Crankenstein

    They used to have some beast chit. I wouldnt mind trying some as long as they sell for about half of the msrp
  22. cobracommander

    Modding an MA Audio HK4000D

    like this? http://www.caraudio.com/forum/showthread.p...p;highlight=mod
  23. cobracommander

