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Everything posted by fatjoe61682

  1. fatjoe61682

    Beefy 10"

    stroker 10 is rated for 2000rms http://www.cerwinvega.com/stroker10.php
  2. I know the guys on this forum will rip hard on me for this one but try 3 SSL CR4000.1's they are the best bang for the buck out there if thats what your lookin for. They are not sundown of coarse but they are far from junk. I have used one on a old BTL 15 and did a 145 off only 2300 watts. Only downfall is no subsonic filter and only 4 gauge inputs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU3nZ-l4vxg here is a vid
  3. fatjoe61682

    Help with Enclosure Build

    actually sub forward and port back would work best if it is setup correctly
  4. fatjoe61682

    btl box question

    since that amp is so chitty according to the guy wit all the dumb ??'s I'm sure the guy that sold it to you would definately take it back. But for cheap cause it sucks IDIOT GET THE REST OF YOUR WORK DONE ELSEWHERE. LIKE BEST BUY OR CIRCUIT CITY YOUR ABOUT EQUAL IN KNOWLEDGE SO IT SHOULD WORK OUT WELL