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Everything posted by fatjoe61682

  1. fatjoe61682

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    I see a wall in that vans future. Lol. That's my vote atleast.
  2. fatjoe61682

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Pics of van please.
  3. fatjoe61682

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    Maybe his next box, he plans on adding a second one later. You should give him the 18's. Lol. It's a big van.
  4. fatjoe61682

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    So when are u guys gonna let me help with these boxes. Come on.
  5. fatjoe61682

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    When is it? Good start btw.
  6. fatjoe61682

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    Gotta hear that for sure. FYI ordered my OPTI 6000D today. Lol
  7. fatjoe61682

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    Got most of the shell in for my 4th Order BP. Be starting a thread once I'm further along. Don't wanna get flamed for lack of pics or progress. LOL
  8. fatjoe61682

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    I called that one boss. Mine did the same. Knew it as soon as I heard it. Good work.
  9. fatjoe61682

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Looks sweet Chop. Cant wait to see this thing finished.
  10. fatjoe61682

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Awesome work. Keep getting louder.
  11. fatjoe61682

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    Got to hear this today. Not a sealed guy personally but sounds great and still plenty of output. Great job Neal and great subs SSA.
  12. fatjoe61682

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    Its been forever and I've missed alot. Love the Runner Neal. Gonna have to stop by and see this thing. I'll get at you soon.
  13. fatjoe61682

    Chop's build log

    Looking damn good chop. Youve learned alot and really stepped it up since we talked last. Really wish I was local and could help you guys out. Keep uo the good work man.
  14. fatjoe61682

    chop's build log

    Just an FYI. It was user error as he did not set his subsonic filter at all when I suggested he did. I knew what had happened as soon as I saw the poor lil sub. He told me what type of box he wanted . I designed it to the specs of the ultra. He never said he wanted to go super low.
  15. fatjoe61682

    Three 12" Kicker CompVR's in a Chevy Caprice

    Good lookin work there Chop. Can't wait to see your next project.
  16. Looking real good. Guess I better get my build rolling. lol
  17. Looking damn good. You are gonna wall this at the front of the box rgiht??
  18. fatjoe61682

    SA-12s In Stock

    Look very nice. Remind me of my old armageddons
  19. fatjoe61682

    pierce audio products WMD

    Jump all over that bud
  20. Looking great so far. Keep it up. I'm waiting for that demo.
  21. fatjoe61682

    18's that work in smaller enclosures

    I'm obviously a little late but the WMD2 18's work good in as little as 3 cubes each
  22. The mms is lower on D1's because there is less weight in coil winding. Option 2 - Series both subs then parallel them to the amp because running the subs in parallel will yield a higher Bl.