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Andrew as

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Everything posted by Andrew as

  1. Andrew as

    Important Announcement from Fisher Customs

    Dang man thats to bad. Ive gotten 2 boxes from you and loved them both. Im sure i will do business again. Cant wait to see you come back.
  2. Andrew as

    Box Build for 350zspl

    sick box. what kinda power are you going to push them with?
  3. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    btw my box makes my house smell funny lol
  4. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    finally just got home. been a long day on the road. Got my box and im really happy with it! Thanks man. Ill also get pictures up when i get it all in. probably wont be for a few weeks cause i still needa get the sub.
  5. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    Luther, OK.... Gosh use google BJ! jkin man. ill be down there later tonight to pick this up!
  6. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    where town you from? His boxes are worth the trip. And price is really nice for the quality!
  7. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    Hey! Me from CA.COM! lol This is the box for my lv4xl! I live 3 hours from him or you do? I cant remember how long it took me to get there last time. Was like 2-3. Not to bad of a drive when your jammin the whole way
  8. Andrew as

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    This box is for my 98 f150. Its for a single 12" DC LV4XL. Looks pretty nice. Baffle is a little different than i thought it was going to. But i like it so far!
  9. Andrew as

    Project David and Goliath

  10. Andrew as

    8.5 Cubes @ 50 hz. Pair of 15" L7's

    Snapped a few pics today. Thanks again BJ. Love the box, stupid loud and light!
  11. Andrew as

    8.5 Cubes @ 50 hz. Pair of 15" L7's

    Ok so the install was finished today. Had no time for pictures cause i wanted to hear it beat! So i will try to get some pictures of em by this weekend! BTW Subs up ports back!
  12. Andrew as

    Project Land Rover

    fedex blows. I cant stand them!
  13. Andrew as

    Anyone interested in Tshirts?

    Ill take a XL I agree the front is a little plain. Dont mind the back. I might get a couple.
  14. Andrew as

    Anyone interested in Tshirts?

    Im interested in what they look like. Can we get some pictures of the old tshirts
  15. Andrew as

    Project David and Goliath

    you in the box
  16. Andrew as

    Project David and Goliath

    we want a picture with you in it!
  17. Andrew as

    8.5 Cubes @ 50 hz. Pair of 15" L7's

    they fit nice!!! thanks again. i will get more pics after the final install and stuff.
  18. Andrew as

    8.5 Cubes @ 50 hz. Pair of 15" L7's

    I come bearing pictures!!!!!!
  19. Andrew as

    7.5 Cubes @ 34 hz- Big Flared Port

    is that a temporary amp rack?
  20. Andrew as

    Project David and Goliath

    This is a box that i want to see the install picture of. Speaking of geo metro... I plan on getting i think its a 85 or so toyota celica. If i drop it off you going to build me a wall box for it?
  21. Andrew as

    8.5 Cubes @ 50 hz. Pair of 15" L7's

    I think i got enough to do the outside of my car... lol. You are my preferred box builder! You will build me another one day!