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Everything posted by bhsdriller

  1. bhsdriller

    Potentional of a 15' zcon

    this was with mad voltage drop...lol, fixed now and it's much louder
  2. bhsdriller

    Potentional of a 15' zcon

    Have my 15's in 7@ 32hz running off a crescendo 5500d@ .5 They take that amp all day long, no problem and they get stupid loud
  3. bhsdriller

    wtf? dc power

    same here...great experience and my alt has been going strong for 2+ years. Always seem to answer my phone calls, or email
  4. bhsdriller

    Finally got my zcons metered.

    Nice...gonna meter mine this weekend, same amp,batts but mine are in an ext. cab. truck
  5. bhsdriller

    just a llittle pair of xcons

    I love them....they can get super loud, but they sound good doing it Competing with them this year too and I'm hoping for a nice gain over the xcon's that I had last year
  6. bhsdriller

    just a llittle pair of xcons

    This is my truck...2 15" Zcon's on a crescendo 5500d
  7. bhsdriller

    just a llittle pair of xcons

    Get it right old man...these are 15" Zcons
  8. bhsdriller

    plasti-dip is the shit!

    I think power washers will take it off. I took a power washer to my whole truck yesterday and itbatill looks fresh But you did it on the bumper where the plastidip goes all the way to the edge, maybe even wraps around to the back edge of the bumper in some spots....with stripes on say the hood there's that edge of plastic where it meets the paint. I see a pressure washer easily getting water under it and peeling it up
  9. bhsdriller

    plasti-dip is the shit!

    I wouldn't scuff it. This is a technique used to be able to take it off easily and be able to go back to stock without messing anything up. If you were painting, yes I would scuff. With this, no
  10. bhsdriller

    plasti-dip is the shit!

    I would not trust it on the underside of a vehicle.....It's a thin/flexible plastic coating that can get nicked and pealed easily Would be better painting it
  11. bhsdriller

    Blazer/ S-10 Builds.

    No pics but this is my buddies s10
  12. bhsdriller

    C&D batteries... worth the price?

    meh....I'll stick with my 3100's Have used the big 100lb c&d's in the past and didn't really like them
  13. bhsdriller

    Zcons Shirt Trick

    Thanks, Had to keep it kinda short not to upset the neighbors lol
  14. bhsdriller

    Zcons Shirt Trick

    My 15" zcon's moving some air....still on a crescendo 3500, upgrading to a 5500 soon and it should do some damage Might still be processing
  15. Last weekend was the Meca California state finals....took first in s3 with 2 15" xcon's on a crescendo 3500d. Score was a 151.3@40hz, down .2 from last show but it was still good enough to take the 1st and the stae record I love these subs...get loud and sound awesome while doing it Thinking about upgrading next season to 2 15" zcon's on a crescendo 5500d Thanks SSA for the awesome subs
  16. bhsdriller

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    skar ftl?
  17. bhsdriller

    Funny Install Pic Thread

  18. bhsdriller

    Funny Install Pic Thread

  19. bhsdriller

    Next Outrageous Deal | 12-15-2011

    Doubt it, but if it was 3100's I'd be broke
  20. bhsdriller

    zcon 15's bc5500

    Looks loud, I can't wait to get mine going....will be wired to .5
  21. bhsdriller

    zcon 15's bc5500

    Nice...exactly the same thing I'm installing right now, but in an extended cab truck What do you have the subs wired to?
  22. bhsdriller

    any sundown user's in nor cal??

    I ran sundown for a while.....now I'm trying to put it to em with Zcons
  23. bhsdriller

    any sundown user's in nor cal??

    Yes...lots of dc in northern california. ssnw stands for super street no wall? You said you want 2 18's in a regular cab s10....idk I'm confused lol
  24. bhsdriller

    Adding another 15 to my current box?

    ^ yes...I think I know which truck your talking about, looks brutal
  25. bhsdriller

    Adding another 15 to my current box?

    Any particular reasons you would choose the DD's over the Mayhems? I have teammates that run them and they can take a beating....Get loud on music and are just an overall great daily sub. Don't have experience with dd, so I'm just going by what I have exp. with 2 18's walled in a malibu on a dc9k, had 2 9k's strapped for a couple burps 4 15's walled in an s10 on a dc9k in way too small of a box And soon we're doing 4 18's walled in a silverado on 2 9k's Another teammate is doing 4 18's on around 20k