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About Ispeedbyu

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  1. Ispeedbyu

    12" sub for ma audio hk802sx

    I didnt mean any harm by calling the brands "boutique" as apposed to "mainstay" brands. I would love to get a dose from someone close. i would even go to the next state above and below to get a sound. I am using the Ma Audio amps because i already have one and i want two and dollar per watt works for me. Have you heard bad things about the hk802 sx?
  2. Ispeedbyu

    12" sub for ma audio hk802sx

    My budget is $500 or so for the pair, maybe more depending on the performance output. I live in baltimore.maryland and have never heard any of those" boutique" sub brands in action. Don't get me wrong, i'm not closed to the idea at all. I just would like to get a "dose" to give me a reason to save and spend my hard earned change.
  3. Ispeedbyu

    12" sub for ma audio hk802sx

    To be as ubsurdly loud as possible and still be a daily driver. What subs could you recommend...Orion hcca, Rockford T2,Mofo?
  4. I am looking for a pair of 12" subs to be powered by a pair of ma audio hk802sx amps. 1 sub per amp. Years ago i did the same thing with two boss pd4000s and two power acoustik mofo 12" subs. It was a very loud setup and i am trying to beat that intense feeling that setup gave me. My money has grown up so i have better amp and sub options now. Please give me some options and real world data? Thanks...Cee.