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Everything posted by fearof85

  1. fearof85

    Metered my car today :)

    Keep doing what your doing bro, don't let the haters get to you. Just get a sweep metered and make a graph with the results and show how Flawrida does it!!!!!! Drew
  2. fearof85

    Crazy Inclosure Idea. Need Pro. suggestions

    I don't see why you couldn't get some sort of thick weather stripping and make it so the trunk is air tight. Make sure everyhole is filled with expanding foam and deadened over too. To test if it's air tight all you have to do is pour soapy water on the trunk lid and let her rip, if you see a bunch of bubbles then you might have problems. I would also double the baffle aswell because if you did run it IB/ported it will get lower than a mother. A question that should have been asked first is how much power are you using too. If you can free air a BTL with 1000 watts then I don't see why you could use 1500-2000 cautiously. I am only saying this because you already have the sub and you seem like you want to do this. Drew
  3. fearof85

    Ascendant Audio hummer?

    Why the different brand amplifiers, never heard of Zuki. Drew
  4. That shit looks like it's gonna crush the low lows. How big is that box in the last pic? Drew
  5. fearof85

    New Box for the Jeep

    Weren't you doing that number with one 15 ? Still a badass number at 8hz down from peak. I bet it sounds alot louder to the ear. Drew