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Everything posted by B7L|BL4Z3R

  1. well do you think it will be less than 450 to replace all of them, and im pretty sure it was the power i had small electrical trying to start er up
  2. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Black Toyota Fortuner

    its not sick, its ill i think i already said that
  3. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Black Toyota Fortuner

    atta boy thats not a sick setup its an ill setup lol i love it
  4. mhmm figured that i guess i should have waited to get my setup finished to test it
  5. yeah well im sure alot of people would say alot more needs fixed for more cash ya know but hopefully who ever i send it to is honest, rockford fosgate wants $450 to repair my amp
  6. well i really appreciate your help is it a blown mosfet as the other said beacuse i dont want to pay for something that isent blown
  7. holy chit lol ill email all of them, how much do you think around it will cost for this fix?
  8. im def not ina big town but db-r does not work on t3001bd i emailed them and they said that they do not work on them, doyou know any differnt ones that are backed up on here
  9. dr-r doesnt work on t3001bd i guess, any other cheap compainies?
  10. B7L|BL4Z3R

    can and how

  11. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Drew Jones's Team Sundown Build

    got my eyes on this one
  12. oh and thanks your for the link, ill let you guys know how it tuns out, i kinda want to try the trade in with the sundown
  13. Yessir Oh and Stewart... Whats that suppost to mean, and its STUART not STEWART
  14. i am not sure i dont have the power to try it so i guess we will see in about 2 months, could it still work?
  15. B7L|BL4Z3R

    The ultimate sub box

    haha what are the dimentions or are the interchangeable
  16. B7L|BL4Z3R

    First Post

  17. B7L|BL4Z3R

    its that time of the year...

    i see, well if you do im definetly on board haha sorry for the pure pressure
  18. B7L|BL4Z3R

    its that time of the year...

    nice, what are you looking into putting in the truck as a blow thru
  19. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Just bought an amp and sub..

    oh yeah thats a good setup a nice amp and a great sub
  20. B7L|BL4Z3R

    The ultimate sub box

    haha i figured you were bored
  21. B7L|BL4Z3R

    The ultimate sub box
