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Everything posted by B7L|BL4Z3R

  1. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    bump for help
  2. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    the fuse on my amp was blown.. i just put a new one in and re did my wires like pulled them all out of the amp restripped them and everything and when i put the new fuse in that fuse blew too.. i think something is wrong with my amp or something because its just to fuse on the amp and no other ones.
  3. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    i got it all hooked up and i have been bangin lately but not too loud because i only have the 1800 hooked up right now.. but i went to apllebees the other night and when i started my car i heard a big pop and my amp went into prtection.. no fuses are popped and everytime i turn my deck on it pops and goes into protection :/
  4. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    got my 1400 and 1800 today. 250 for both! i have the 1800 hooked up in the back from temp until i get side post adapters. the 1800 is going under the hood the 1400 is going in the back with another next month or so.
  5. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    i got ahold of my buddy today and drilled a new hole for my power wire under my seats so all my wire comes up from there.. it looks way better
  6. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Tickets for loud music

    mac n cheese got pulled over lastnight and got a 100 dolar ticket
  7. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    got more done lastnight. mac n cheese came over and hooked me up BIG time with some 8awg and some 1/0 awg that was greatly needed. i mounted my amp to my seats and re did my fuses like pulled the wire out and re did it all
  8. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Just to start off my build log

    that seems illegal
  9. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Kole Audio TRAX1-7000D

    there is no way that canbe true wattage. it is way too cheap
  10. B7L|BL4Z3R

    new here from roe

    welcome. you will love it here. there is no bullshit like on other forums.
  11. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that game is boss.
  12. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Subwoofer diagram

    its how its made from the discovery channel on subwoofers
  13. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Subwoofer diagram

    http://www.metacafe.com/watch/427949/how_subwoofers_are_made/ i hope this helps
  14. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Fi lanyard.

    Keep an eye out for banners and key chains in the accessories section - 04/17/09 We are in the process of adding another warehouse specifically for the new accessories and apparel production which will be manned by a new full time staffer. With the massive success of our current Fi apparel line up, we have decided to set up our own apparel and accessories shop. With over 1200 sqft of warehouse dedicated solely to our new multi-station screen printer, pad printing, and sticker/banner production, look for many more items coming up shortly. We are also adding another CNC specifically for accessories production as our current larger units are running double time just to keep up with the current speaker demand. This new CNC will start cutting chips shortly and producing 2 different key chain designs as well as our new belts. More to come! when should we be expecting this?
  15. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Smokie's Focus Build

    clean your car son haha
  16. B7L|BL4Z3R


    i really want that taylor swift song.. pm me
  17. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Second Skin USACi Video is up

    i finally get to put a face with the name ssaudio
  18. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

  19. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    yeah im going to put the 1800 under the hood a 1400 in the back then next month get another 1400 for the back with a bus bar.
  20. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    kinetik 1400 & 1800 brand new not out of the box for $250
  21. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    really? maybe if you want to make a trip to hastings sometime myabe you can show me your shit and i will show you waht i got.. i am getting batts either this week or next
  22. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    heck no.. im going to either wrap it or speckle it.. how did you like your speckle?
  23. B7L|BL4Z3R

    audio school????

  24. B7L|BL4Z3R

    audio school????

    im going to installers institute in florida..
  25. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    i built a little amp rack didnt take any pictures its really not worthy for pictures but i figured i would update.. batterys next week!!