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Everything posted by B7L|BL4Z3R

  1. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hell no but i did get the back seat out so i can put it there!! btw make a fucking facebook damnit
  2. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

  3. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    not hard considering i creased it
  4. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well maybe i will have to stop over this weekend, not to sure though well maybe you should homo.. i want to use a friggin router this time tho don't look at me i dont have one buy me one with a circle jig
  5. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well maybe i will have to stop over this weekend, not to sure though well maybe you should homo.. i want to use a friggin router this time tho
  6. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no i just messaged him but i have nothing back so far. i couldnt find him earlier because i thought it was only 2 z's not t3
  7. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    time to build a damn box!
  8. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hasha right.. this state blows
  9. B7L|BL4Z3R

    My Dog (Big Pics)

    damn good looking dogs you got theer
  10. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Galacticmonkey's Avalanche Build

    thats rough. i see an argument starting.
  11. B7L|BL4Z3R

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    jesus you glued the shit out of that center counsel lol. i bet that thing will never fall apart. Looks good man. mad props,
  12. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

  13. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the ole iHop.. have not been here in a long time.
  14. rockford fosgates new line of amps for 2010 have something called constant power which means they do the same power at 2 ohms as 1 ohm.. theres alot more to it but you get what i mean.
  15. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    no i should be getting is within the next two weeks. i need to get that fuse from you too. did you look at my box specs
  16. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    like 9.99
  17. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    Heres some stuff for my box.
  18. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Calculating Round Ports

    when you have small amp you want a larger box.. and the other way around for a large amp
  19. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    its way better than it used to be.. the fill kit that was in it wasnt for that truck so the h/u was all over the place
  20. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    i got some goodies today... and they gave me one extra! lol
  21. B7L|BL4Z3R

    ye ye ;) SSA XCON build

    shit looks filthy man keep it up. i like your ride too its clean as hell.
  22. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    here are some crappy cell pics
  23. B7L|BL4Z3R


    a friend of mine call them fee and eff eye
  24. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    on top of the box.. so how do these dimention cuts look 42x19.5 front and back 42x16 for bottom 40x16 top 15.25 x 19.5 sides 2 ports on top 11 x 19.25 inside length 10.5x19.5 inside depth each 2inches wide
  25. B7L|BL4Z3R

    Now Playing!

    good vibrations beach boys (bass enhanced)