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Everything posted by seanbw

  1. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    evenin' boys, school and work done for the week. just got some labwork due monday and a midterm tuesday but the weekends lookin' good from where i'm sitting
  2. seanbw

    Need Help picking an amp.

    the Dayton HPSA1000-R seems to be in your price range. you could always add a second down the road if you're feeling underpowered. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=25063
  3. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yep i did, last year was one of the best seasons i can remember watching; from start to finish. i've only been following the sport for 5 or 6 years but that singapore race at night was stunning and the championship coming down to the final corner on the final lap of the final race in brazil was almost too much. i was jumping up and down hugging my roomate because we thought felipe was going to take it all and then hamilton crushed my heart i'm really excited about the fact that we finally got speedHD in santa barbara county for this season!
  4. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ROFL. There is more engineering in one valve spring in an F1 car than in the whole Veyron iirc you've done some work for around the fia, got any good stories/pictures for us?
  5. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sean, funny you mention not shopping at tigerdirect because after that purchase i caught an unauthorized charge on my card and had to stop payment. not sure if it was tiger or my copious amazon shopping but somewhere my info got leaked, and i've never had an amazon problem before...
  6. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    if you're not too familiar with the sport take 90 seconds to watch this
  7. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no worries i am just a little defensive about formula 1, most people have no idea what goes into those vehicles. they are a mix between artwork and fighter jets, with so much history. to top it off all our country cares about is going around an oval in ford tauruses and monte carlos. i swear nascar is the cause of autism.
  8. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's an ignorant thing to say... What did I say that was ignorant?? you do realize that the constructors' budget for a single year of f1 eclipses most countries' military budgets don't you? toyota spends around half a billion dollars on their f1 team every year. the world's brightest AEROSPACE engineers go into formula 1...perhaps you could plop an enzo on the track and it might not get lapped immediately but...... edit: and toyota couldn't even podium with a $600 million budget so don't talk to me about factory production cars!
  9. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's an ignorant thing to say...
  10. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    not to mention i'm only 200 miles from laguna, and unlike f1 i could actually go watch a gp race this year.
  11. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    motoGP is so nerve-racking. those guys look like they're going to die every time they enter or exit corners. i enjoy the visual spectacle, rich history and prestige that comes with f1, but gp bikes are infinitely entertaining to watch as well
  12. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no love for race cars that can turn both directions and brake?
  13. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    one month and counting until.... kimi and felipe hit track for the start of the 09 f1 season!!! :santa: :bigclap:
  14. seanbw

    box for 2 BTL's

    reading these threads would help you get a better answer to your question, additionally you don't need more than one thread going. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=22849 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=13994
  15. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have not been in a number of years. Only 7 people got shot this year. spring break in amsterdam FTW i cannot express over the internet through text how much i envy you.
  16. seanbw

    FI BL 15 enclosure build

    your right, and thats the part nobody ever gets to see. but that is a nice box, good work as always. true, but i'm sure everyone can hear the work
  17. seanbw

    Amp for 2 BTL's

    because you're box is in the bed of your truck you can build a larger box. that gives you the opportunity to use an amp like the 3500D and get a lot of output from those btl's due to the efficiency of your enclosure (not to mention the high efficiency of the btl itself). additionally, with less current draw you will save $$$ on your electrical upgrades as well. my .02
  18. seanbw

    FI BL 15 enclosure build

    my 4cu 34hz single 15" box is SOOOOOO jealous right now nice work as always!
  19. yes you can use it as a group 31 replacement battery.
  20. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    as usual i really don't feel like getting out of bed.... thank god for Pete's coffee.
  21. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

  22. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll show ye weak! *pops another Norco and shakes fist* haha! those are trouble, i avoid pain killers like the plague. but it sounds like you actually have some injuries that warrant the pain killers.
  23. seanbw

    Which wood to use?

    Knu does have cheap 1/0, but it's cheap for a reason. They have different qualities of 1/0. i agree, the knu i've seen really cheap is alu core. if you want pure copper just get weldingsupply.com or weldingdepot.com cable.
  24. seanbw

    need a projector

    my preference is dlp: here would be a current example http://www.infocus.com/Products/Projectors/IN81.aspx