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Everything posted by seanbw

  1. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    back in socal h0p! time to get some sleep, night ssa.
  2. seanbw

    Question about Mayhem 18".

    you could try pm'ing Brian, his s/n is BKOLFO4, i believe he has pretty extensive experience with the mayhems.
  3. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yeah, pork is very hard to overcook. i like roasting pork loin in the oven or bbq with salt/pepper, olive oil, rosemary and garlic. nomnomnomnomnom!
  4. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    orange, green, red good morning!
  5. seanbw

    MB quart amps?

    here's the link ( http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=17277 ) to the full build log if you want to read it but i chose some juicy ones about some aq2200 problems:
  6. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    been helping my dad rebuild the old deck and add an outdoor staircase at my folks' house over the last couple months. i didn't think to take pics of the tear down or build progress until now but it's pretty much done except for paint. rails and treads in place, primed and ready to go. the old deck was rickety and hung off the side of the house with no backyard access.
  7. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it was a hell of a nice day in northern california today! golden gate anyone?
  8. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hit up the caldecott tunnel on my way up through the bay area yesterday. kind of a cool pic:
  9. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow that's fucking disgusting (not the poop, the creature holding the camera) make it go away.
  10. seanbw

    Incriminator Audio Poster from SBN

    nice woofers!
  11. seanbw

    wadduuup from San Francisco

    nice, i just got into the bay area last night, weather sure is nice enough for a day at the coliseum tomorrow.
  12. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    holy crap you're right, everything is out of stock. i was checking the sites i normally use and they're all cleaned out. i was hoping i could link you some suggestions but, wow! a month ago i got a 500rd bulk pack of fiocchi .45acp for less than $180, now even wolf is more than that. ammunitiontogo.com doesn't even have .45acp in any quantity or bullet style, let alone 230 fmjs for plinking.
  13. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ah for a bathroom I guess that makes sense. The bathroom I am doing right now is just a water closet though so no real moisture without a shower or bath. I doubt it would be needed then really Sean. Unless you had some powerfull thai food and your really breaking a sweat in there. Oil is a pain to work with. I'm at work right now with white hands and arms because I forgot that I needed more mineral spirits. We have 3 adults and one bathroom.... That shower gets plenty of OT. When I repaint my exterior, I will oil prime that too. I'm usually an over kill guy if there is a chance of a problem. My friends call me Captain Overboard sometimes so I understand the overkill Just Sometimes??? i know, right?
  14. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/PUSA/Sup...DP-51FD.Support can't justify any purchases right now though
  15. seanbw

    wadduuup from San Francisco

    welcome to ssa, on the sf note i think i'll be at the A's giants game in oakland on saturday
  16. http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?...products_id=196 http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?...ath=65_67_69_79 http://www.db-r.com/sell/store2/index.php?...ath=65_67_69_80
  17. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    power assisted flush ftw!
  18. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i know it's mostly bullshit rhetoric but i will say that pot's an effective painkiller/sleep aid and that most synthetic pain killers don't sit well with me. i also know i'm breaking federal law but the feds can't waste their time popping each "patient" in california. i'm all for the legalization, regulation and taxation of marijuana instead of sinking tax dollars into fighting its illegal trade. i think marijuana control is about as futile and even more of a waste of money than gun control. so until it is legalized, i'll hide behind my state's rhetorical shroud and continue to use my "medication," i'm sorry it's discrediting to the field of medicine.
  19. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    if you do tile then won't you end up scrubbing grout all the time? go for the granite slab
  20. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    about the mems lab, the nano research going on at ucsb is amazing. i've got an application for an internship with the california nanosystems institute in the final review stages. even though i'm not in the physical sciences, being able to work with top level minds and conduct research on social and ethical implications of nano science would be a dream come true, especially as an undergraduate. if i get in i'll be one of two students statewide who participate in the social science portion of the internship in nanosystems engineering and technology. i'm not trying to toot my own horn, i'm no prodigy or excellent student, i've just been in the right places at the right time this past year and not to mention very lucky to be where i am
  21. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    well that turned out to be a hell of a t0p
  22. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice campus btw. I've been to SB before, but not campus. The MEMS fab lab is amazing...the view doesn't suck either. Saw a guy pull into one of my customers there wearing a Caligreen shirt and now am curious as to what it means. So do tell. the herb is part of it i guess, but it's more about the california lifestyle, flora and fauna. there's no denying that calif has some of the most naturally beautiful geography on earth, and the sad part is the beauty is lost on most of the 17 million people who live in greater los angeles. I did too, until today. A guy in running clothes and a Caligreen shirt came into a very professional organization and showered and chanced into a suit and tie. He was on the board there so I doubt that is what his shirt meant. Plus wouldn't Cali-Green really be Mexacali-Brown? i think the rest of the country has some poor misconceptions about marijuana in general (i've avoided airing my personal business out like this for that very reason but since you asked i might as well be candid) and i've had a medical prescription for years. there are several medical dispenseries in town which makes shopping for pot more like shopping for wine; there are distinct flavors and scents that people prefer and unlike wine, which always has the same general effect on your body, there are significant differences in how different types of herb make you feel. oh, and with respect to the "mexican brown" i can only say: grand-daddy purple kush ftmfw *i am in no way condoning illegal drugs, this is legal medicine
  23. seanbw

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hehe i'm headed to the ucsb girls club volleyball fundraiser with one of the ladies, should be fun