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Everything posted by KickinAudio

  1. KickinAudio

    My Winter Project

    pics?? didn't know you started? I'll post my project later this week
  2. KickinAudio

    My truck/system

    looks like a real decent system, I like it! Those bx amps are nice!
  3. KickinAudio

    EX Girlfriends?

    she leave for the chick?
  4. KickinAudio

    db drag at stop light

    I'll be at mcdonalds or something, or at a light with everything off, and people will get as close as the possibly can to my bumber and try to wang their poor their audiobahn system as hard as they can...it happens allll the time its pretty funny shiz, I don't know what they're trying to prove. I've had people talk chit in traffic to like "you think you got some chit, listen to this" lol
  5. KickinAudio

    What Do You Listen To?

    Metal, the real heavy stuff. Not half and half. Lovin the Sirius, I sometimes listen to classic rock, jazz. Thats about it, no wide tastes here. I'll play rap to demo for people. Bass CD's when I want to hear the roar of the goliath and smell some coil.
  6. KickinAudio

    Power Wire

    wire is wire, not going to hurt anything. Just dont get is confused with you power wire! ahh what a mess
  7. KickinAudio

    how to recone tutorial

    anyone know where a post is on step by step how to recone?
  8. KickinAudio

    computer accessories

    yes. dakota digital and stinger makes them
  9. KickinAudio

    satellite radio and you

    My dad did that. He does alot of driving though, so he's lovin it.
  10. KickinAudio

    satellite radio and you

    if you are in the car enough, its worth it. ps get sirius
  11. KickinAudio

    how to recone tutorial

    not for my silly no need to get my hands dirty with solox recones
  12. KickinAudio

    how to recone tutorial

    yea thats what im lookin for, I thought he posted it here
  13. KickinAudio


    Anyone else love tint as much as me?? before (taking off the 30% mirror) After (adding 30% black)
  14. KickinAudio

    Amprack fans

    wow a fan output most 12v PC fans only have 2 wires.
  15. KickinAudio

    12" D2's First Impressions

    vid or stfu?
  16. KickinAudio

    12" D2's First Impressions

    windshield flex? ps The Whore's Trophy is the best cd i'd heard in a long time
  17. KickinAudio


    I dont have power windows with mine. Ordering power window kit on Friday. I get pulled over all the time, no way in hell am I changing my tint because of it. I've been threated to have it towed before also, and they can tow it if they want. this past two weeks I've put another $90 in tint. I've spent so much on it lol.
  18. I have a friend selling a KX600.1 (also check ebay, about $240) Also HCCA fan has some used Orion 1200D for $200!!
  19. Hifonics BX1500 or BX1000... awesome amps!! cheaper stuff, bd500 http://cgi.ebay.com/Rockford-Fosgate-Power...itemZ5821631933 MC500D http://cgi.ebay.com/MEMPHIS-16-MC500D-500d...itemZ5821186220
  20. KickinAudio

    Miami, Florida Area

    lots of miami people on caraudio.com
  21. KickinAudio


    tint goes on the inside :confused: no bottom strip for me
  22. KickinAudio


    double 5%
  23. KickinAudio

    I have some boom
