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Everything posted by KickinAudio

  1. KickinAudio

    cd or ipod?

    I didn't know that. If my cd player had Zune control, I'd buy one. Unfortunatley, iPod and Myspace rule our country.
  2. KickinAudio

    cd or ipod?

    A CD is better than an ipod in sound quality. Downloading a CD through Amazon or itunes is not as equal as the CD's quality (they compress the sound). Lossless codec's like FLAC on the other hand... Even though I live off of my ipod, when I want to play a favorite artist of mine, I'll typically put the cd in.
  3. KickinAudio

    18 Wheeler w/2 ICON 15's build log

    Ahh what an awesome build!! Nice equipment.
  4. KickinAudio

    SSA welcomes Second Skin Audio

    So now they have two forums? None the less this is excellent product! Welcome Anthony.
  5. KickinAudio

    Ipod interfaces

    I'm kind of confused as to what you're asking. Why would you want to connect it twice? If something is using the 'interface' such as a CD deck with ipod controls, it pretty much disables everything on the ipod. I cannot think of a situation on why you'd want to connect it twice basically.
  6. KickinAudio

    New guy from FL

    Welcome to SSA. Please also stop by FloridaSPL.com and sign up!
  7. KickinAudio

    3 ICON 10D2s Build log > 2006 Toyota Solara

    Those look like TRD wheels. Nice
  8. KickinAudio


    This is of my friends MC4000M. Its a beast. The coolest part, is on the underside of the amp its signed by all of the engineers and also the owner of McIntosh.
  9. KickinAudio

    Finally get to have a lil fun @ work

  10. KickinAudio

    Louisiana Anyone?

    I'm pretty sure Matt Sibely is on here. Usaci champion
  11. KickinAudio

    CES Updates

    SoundStream 15,000 Watt Amp http://www.floridacaraudio.com/?p=21
  12. You can buy a 2500D somewhere else for $220? It's a little late now, but you should have done some better research before sending that in to that company.
  13. KickinAudio

    My first "real" system

    Whoa, what an absolute mess ^^ Ugly is usually loud though..
  14. KickinAudio

    Toyota Tacoma/Kicker L7 enclosure pics

    Nice skills. Can't wait to see that finished
  15. Thats huge!! Crazy daily powa
  16. that bass knob is pimp!! Very creative Steve
  17. KickinAudio

    Emp dual alt pics

    Can you answer my question?
  18. KickinAudio

    A tahoe with cargo room ;)

    awesome DIY!! You did a great job. I didn't think the first box took up that much room.
  19. KickinAudio

    Emp dual alt pics

    neat. Why the need for two alts?
  20. KickinAudio

    1998 Nissan Maxima

    very cool
  21. haha, there is just so much going on in this vehicle. Hope this makes it into a magazine or something. You going to get Oki working on it or what?
  22. KickinAudio

    Mileva build log.

    very neat
  23. KickinAudio

    Toyota Corolla

    No audio update yet. However, I got a new GPS for the car and I also ordered HID's today.
  24. KickinAudio

    Alpine's 2008 Lineup Exclusive

    We got an exclusive pre-release of Alpine's 2008 lineup. http://www.floridacaraudio.com/?p=19 Be sure to check this new Audyssey Imprint technology. It does time alignment by frequency!
  25. KickinAudio

    Alpine's 2008 Lineup Exclusive

    At least Crutchfield offers a $50 rental http://www.crutchfield.com/S-zLN7FH5XH9T/A...mp;i=500KTX100E "rental kit minimizes your expense