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Everything posted by ChiTownTBird312

  1. ChiTownTBird312

    Dropped phone in the toilet......

    it did for me...i just let it sit a long time to be sure it was dry. bought a bag of rice took the battery out put both in the bag of rice and let it sit for a couple days.
  2. ChiTownTBird312

    Soundsplinter Rl-s 12

    fair enough...ill tell him and see what he says.
  3. ChiTownTBird312

    Dropped phone in the toilet......

    The rice trick worked with my old phone...took a couple days but it did eventually work.
  4. ChiTownTBird312


    Xcon mann...that thing looks like it will be a beast for groundpounding.and it's somethin new from a company wit lots of good products already.
  5. ChiTownTBird312

    new to Fi,just got a btl 18

    that motor looks a little small for a btl... im still sayin bl
  6. ChiTownTBird312

    new to Fi,just got a btl 18

    i think its a bl
  7. ChiTownTBird312

    Soundsplinter Rl-s 12

    Really? Just look at the specs and what your buddy wants to do with it. ...that doesnt answer my question. he said he just likes the gain in output you get with a ported box...he just wants it to still sound clean.
  8. ChiTownTBird312

    Soundsplinter Rl-s 12

    Why is that?
  9. ChiTownTBird312

    Soundsplinter Rl-s 12

    he's not a fan of sealed enclosures...why i dont know, but he said he wants to go ported. thanks though.
  10. ChiTownTBird312

    Which SSA Sub would fit my needs?

    Q's are perfect for that....but it is what it is. just get icons, cant go wrong with those. they sound great.
  11. ChiTownTBird312

    electrical upgrade?

    you might as well upgrade now....why wait.
  12. ChiTownTBird312

    help me choose

  13. ChiTownTBird312

    Any Combos with Fi?

  14. ChiTownTBird312

    Any Combos with Fi?

    you should consider that though...that would be pretty sick to have some loaded Fi or AA enclosures...
  15. ChiTownTBird312

    Any Combos with Fi?

    not necessarily.....you tell them what options you want for the subs....fisher builds the box and sends it to you and fi sends you your subs. or they could just have the option of fully loaded or "stock"....there are lots of ways they could do it. the icon loaded enclsosure isnt "loaded" when it gets to your door. they are shipped seperately. so it would work the exact same way.
  16. ChiTownTBird312

    2 Fi Q15s or Fi BTL 15

    well then see ya later man
  17. ChiTownTBird312

    Any Combos with Fi?

    that would be SWEEEET
  18. ChiTownTBird312

    12" death penalty specs

    i checked on their website and i didnt see any specs on the dp other than power handling and sub displacement and stuff like that. does anybody have any other specs on the sub?
  19. ChiTownTBird312

    22inch Fi

    keep the 2 18's...
  20. ChiTownTBird312

    what hapened to ca.com?

    they just didnt pay there bills according to a couple ppl who checked it out at SMD....not that i really care, just ssayin. http://www.*****.com/board/ind...c=42030&hl=
  21. ChiTownTBird312

    fi bl

    lookin forward to seein the new ones...whats gonna be different about them? changin anything with any other line?
  22. ChiTownTBird312

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    i could use this for my room....how much would one be shipped to 60564?
  23. ChiTownTBird312

    Need 15 BTL Fixed

    how'd you blow it?
  24. ChiTownTBird312

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    you know what i think it is...its the lip, for that style rim there aint enough lip pokin out. it almost looks like the rim face is gonna poke out past the lip. i think they'd look nicer then...but spokes is still the way to go.