Hey guys I just got my amp today its HUGE. Im running 2 sets of comps off this amp, Hertz HSK165 for the front and infinity kappa perfect 6.1 for the rear. I thought i hooked everything up properly but that was not the case. My balance and fader controls are wrong, when i adjust to left or right the front left and rear right work. I dont know whther the speaker wires themselves are wrong, or if iinstalled the rca wrong. There are no markings on the rca just 2 red and 2 black so I dont know where they go. Secondly, I need help setting the adjustments. I want this amp to be stritcly for mids and highs since I have 2 subs. I set it to HPF for both switches on the amp but I dont know muchelse now. It doesnt really sound that great, so i know my settings are messed up! Please help