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About bhawkins

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  1. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

    well i dont do math to good but i will try to figure it out. thanks for the help keep it coming
  2. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

    box is to high i cant flip it hits roof. thanks for all the in put !!!! i want a square port in the new box how long or deep should i make it i plan on making it 7x15 but not sure how long. again thanks for all the positive feedback and thanks fi for a killer subwoofer!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

    just was told that firing sub up would work better thats kinda why i posted here for some input this is a crappy drawing but kinda the setup as of now
  4. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

    nobody can give any idea's come on guys
  5. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

  6. bhawkins

    Explorer box help

    i need some help designing a box i have a 1999 explorer xlt 4 door i am running a 18"btl fully loaded daily on a fusion nv2500 my current box is 19h 24w 33d outside dim. with 2 6" pvc ports 15" long. ports and sub firing at hatch. i want to fire sub up and port back and change to a 30x30x16tall any help on port LxWxH would be grate!also any other input just looking to change up i was told sub up port back would be louder.
  7. bhawkins

    hello from sc

    i live in aiken about 10 minutes from augusta ga.
  8. bhawkins

    hello from sc

    hey all just joined i am from sc and have a btl 18"fully loaded in a explorer but just wanted to say wats up