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About akjay907

  • Rank
    Young Grasshopper
  • Birthday 11/14/1989

Contact Methods

Profile Information

  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    low end frequencies..........driving around, snowmachining, four wheeling, customizing trucks, body work.
  1. working on my 4X4 T-case in winter sucks.

  2. working on my 4X4 T-case in winter sucks.

  3. working on my 4X4 T-case in winter sucks.

  4. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Its been a while since I been here...
  5. akjay907

    Xbox Live Screen Names

    please dont say you like shiny toy guns...lol jk Gamertag= SeymoreButts907 but i need to renew it, but i use a different one right now, i will just add you guys. I got a double headshot without looking through the scope last night haha it was funny. JASON - is your gamer tag "sundownn"?
  6. akjay907

    Xbox Live Screen Names

    man we need to play some halo 3 everyone
  7. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Built Ford Tough! In Mexico. ummmmm...ouch? and how in the hell do you not see several 1 ton bison walking across a road in time to not stop? lol....deer i understand, they sneaky little creatures..but bison? herd of bison??? had to be on a phone, doing her nails, something....loll herd of bison?? shiiiiiiiiiiat! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Women drivers and shitty cars FTL. If that was my truck, it would be a dent haha. She was probably talking on the phone, putting her make-up on, and switching CDs at the same time!!
  8. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Overtime FTW
  9. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what the fuck, im going to work 7 days in a row? fuck me
  10. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is insane! zero radius turning?
  11. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i think here in alaska its september through april for studs...i hate long ass winters sometimes
  12. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I LOL'd oh shit, massive lols happening here ! haha oh shit thats funny
  13. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn my truck has been parked for months and it has volcano ash all over it still haha.
  14. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well he has been gone for two months. Jason: You missed the SSA XCON, and Sundown is doing the preorder for the SAZ-3500D now....Umm there is still no word on the AA SMD, or the 22" Fi BL and BTL. thank you! i remember hearing about the SAZ-3500D, but the SMD isnt out yet?