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Everything posted by akjay907

  1. akjay907

    Sound Check Hanks 59.9 bassrace build

    INSANE! nice score btw. I bet that van is sitting low haha
  2. akjay907

    What's the best way to go about this?

    Yeah, I had a spring that made a point in the back of my driver seat in my single cab, and it killed the surround!
  3. akjay907

    Fi Q 10 or AA Havoc 12

    I would get the HAVOC over the Q IMO
  4. Soundstream has some pretty good prices...that amp looks sexy!
  5. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    snowmachines are badass! I look forward to winters
  6. Thats a good deal right there
  7. akjay907

    Help with LOW BUDGET build

    damn, never heard of Ubid...saw a kicker zx1000.1 for 200!
  8. akjay907

    What 18 sub will handle 2600 watts rms

    An Ascendant Audio MAYHEM is rated 2500 rms MAYHEM link
  9. akjay907

    is a 18 inch ssd louder then 3 cheap 12's

    when i wanted an SAE 1000D from dB-r they were always sold out
  10. akjay907

    kings of cali

    oh its on! i think drew is talking smack
  11. akjay907

    Soon to be new FI owner

    won't be dissapointed witha BL thats for sure
  12. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha I pretty much live in my truck all day when I am not working, only time im at my house is when I sleep pretty much.
  13. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    psh...e brake??? I am very skilled now, never need an E brake...mobbing in empty parking lots at night, wasting tons of gas in my k1500
  14. akjay907

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    you got a TL now?
  15. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Weather here in Alaska has been weird last 5 years... Day before yesterday, it rained! on top of the snow...so it made the roads icy as hell! Yesterday it snowed! so now we have loose snow on top of ice! imagine that!
  16. akjay907

    Need guidance

    GET A HAVOC 12!!!or 15!
  17. akjay907

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    nice box! havocs look sexy as hell!
  18. akjay907

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    I like this list
  19. akjay907

    Hello fron Germany

    thats insane man, good job
  20. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I met both of them last year...James Hetfield and Robert Trujillo are kick ass
  21. akjay907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    HAHA METALLICA kicks ass! this made me almost piss my pants
  22. akjay907


    yeah...I been wondering the same!
  23. akjay907

    Hello fron Germany

    damn, nice installs!!!