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About GrandCherokee

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  1. GrandCherokee

    BIG delimma and need HELP!

    FiQ 18 + AQ2200 at 2 ohm vs AQ hdc3 18 + AQ2200 at 1 ohm really confused and dont know with sub to get because I originally wanted the FiQ for its SQ but for $60 cheaper I can get something LOUDER...but how is the hdc3 18 when it comes to SQ Help would be appreciated
  2. GrandCherokee

    Need help choosing...

    would prefer aero ports...
  3. GrandCherokee

    Need help choosing...

    This is tuned to 36hz THIS is tuned to 32hz The 3 round ports are 6inch by 16.75L
  4. GrandCherokee

    I want a SUNDOWN1500

    maybe you guys can help with my Dilemma: FiQ 18" Dual 2 with Sundown1500 at 1 ohm FiQ 18" Dual 1 with AQ2200 at 2 ohm please explain and THANKS
  5. GrandCherokee

    I want a SUNDOWN1500

    rather just go with the NEW AQ2200...$389 cuz $375-refurbed $450 NEW...hhmmmm actually im not sure
  6. GrandCherokee

    FiQ 18" D1 w/ BP+ AQ2200

    whatcha guys think? need help on the box though... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...mp;#entry399827
  7. GrandCherokee

    I want a SUNDOWN1500

    I was plannig on getting a NEW one until I found that about the AQ2200... NEED AN AMP FOR MY FIQ 18"
  8. GrandCherokee

    Ported Box for my FiQ 18"

    wow thanks for the sketch. Im gonna get the FiQ 18" D1 with an AQ2200 (2ohm) hows that sound to you guys? btw what the best free program for sub enclosures?
  9. GrandCherokee

    Ported Box for my FiQ 18"

    Length is 2.25ft
  10. GrandCherokee

    Ported Box for my FiQ 18"

    height= 1.5 feet Width= 3feet Lenght...as much as it needs to
  11. GrandCherokee

    Ported Box for my FiQ 18"

    6 cubic foot ported box in the back of my 01 Jeep...Wondering about the size of my port and anything else that could help me. And also I was thinking about having a few circular ports...? Thanks for any help.