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Everything posted by yeddy2201

  1. yeddy2201

    1 15 BTL problem

    i dont understand it either because i got everything done at an audio shop but.... theres the problem lol So u sayin that i shouldnt let an audio shop Hook it up
  2. yeddy2201

    1 15 BTL problem

    it was normal the sub wasnt in or out
  3. yeddy2201

    From: 1 15 BTL problem

    file://localhost/M:/Images/200903/200903A0/03082009581.jpg file://localhost/M:/Images/200903/200903A0/03082009582.jpg file://localhost/M:/Images/200903/200903A0/03082009580.jpg
  4. yeddy2201

    1 15 BTL problem

    i dont understand it either because i got everything done at an audio shop but....
  5. yeddy2201

    1 15 BTL problem

    It's still not playing so it's gone...
  6. yeddy2201

    Speaker Box

    Im not building it, they have a dude down here that builds everyones boxes, he is real good
  7. yeddy2201

    Speaker Box

    My box is 26.5 x 14.75 x 18.875 = 7377.765^ci = 4.269^cf [2] Ports =(3.5 x 6) x 12^d Tuned to = 41.7 Hz Fs = 30.59 Hz I wanted to if my box was right for my speaker. I have one 15 BTL Fully Loaded. My Amp is an Orion Hcca D5000. Just let me kno what u think.
  8. yeddy2201

    New BTL

    Did yours have a double or triple stack magnet on yours to begin with? i have the new one with the Single high flux magnet, but they took the new ones and changed them up a lil
  9. yeddy2201

    New BTL

    I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the motors that they are puttin in the BTL's...I had sent my BTL back for repairs, and they told me that they were waiting on new motors, magnets, and whatever else...they said that i would be one of the first ones with the new BTL...So just wanted 2 know if anyone heard about that...
  10. yeddy2201

    New BTL

    well nick told me what they did, they changed the motor up a lil, and thats about it
  11. yeddy2201

    Speaker Box

    Thats whats up imma just get me a new box, tuned around 33Hz, thanks for the help
  12. yeddy2201

    Speaker Box

    So would that mess my speaker up? And if i tune it down what type of sound would i get...i like the way it sounds now
  13. yeddy2201

    Speaker Box

    It's for a Daily set up