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Everything posted by gushybear

  1. gushybear

    Box Build for MikeMartin

  2. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    ohh is the "land rover" being cut in, or painted on? i'm assuming painted on 'cause i dont think it'd be possible to cut that? or are you truly that talented haha! i'm in canada monday, so basically when the box is ready ship it out asap! (dont forget the 3rd set of terminals, for the lights )
  3. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    updates!! ??
  4. gushybear

    Fibre on box

    i dont know if you've ever laid fiber before, but the resin is so damn strong i'd imagine it'd work very well on any part. assuming you ran into issues (such as the sharp corners), you might want to make your mold, cure it, then attatch it afterwards to the areas you want with building adhesive. if you want to do the whole box, thats a different issue, as it would all hold itself together. actually now that i think about it i think the reason you cloth it down first is so the fiber has something to stick to. i've only ever repaired a structure, or created a structure soley out of fiber, so maybe try it out and post back with how it went!
  5. gushybear

    Lining trunk of SUV

    hey there, I'm attempting to dial out a bit of resonance (there isn't so much on this car), as well as keep as much of the sound inside the car as possible. Would my original plan of damp pro and overkill pro all over the hatch area be good? would adding a product like luxury liner pro (I also figure if i'm doing this i might as well reduce alot of the road noise throughout the car) reduce the volume inside because it will absorb the sound?? I'm starting in the trunk / hatch area, and i think doing the doors and front wheelwells/footwells at the same time. if results are good, i'll continue and do the rest of the car, with Damp prop/overkill pro everywhere, + luxury liner where i can. Anyways the reason i ask the above question is i have 2 rear firing subwoofers bouncing off the hatch and into the cabin, and i dont want to reduce this effect by using this product. thanks in advance.
  6. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    thats the plan, yes. unless BJ or dylan come up with some other ridiculously cool idea!!
  7. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    sure hope so! i hope that i could still get it first week of sept.
  8. gushybear

    best materials need to build sub box

    looks really good man! sometimes i find it helpful to round off both the inside edges and the outside edges of the port, to help reduce port whistling. but that port might be big enough that the air velocity isn't such a huge deal. your finished box looks very clean though!
  9. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    everryyone knowss mines' first. ....righhhtt bj ? haha. jks man. but i did start this process over a month ago
  10. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    woohoo! and with compressors come free time, and with free time come pictures, and with pictures come completion, and with completion comes big package in the mail
  11. gushybear

    best materials need to build sub box

    i used a helluva lotta PL premium building compound, and just regular wood screws with 3/4" mdf on my last build. finished it with plaid cloth and got some aluminum edging and cut it to make chrome trim around the box hahaha. i figured, british car, british theme lol. it was also the wierdest shape possible, basicially a big cube lol, so it doubled as a trendy picnic bench lol.
  12. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    cool well that might work out good for both of us then, 'cause i am not in canada until the 1st anyways.
  13. gushybear

    Box Build for AudioWerks

    wa wa wee wa thats so sweet man!
  14. gushybear

    3.5 @ 34 hz for a 15" Alpine Type R

    sweet vid dude. thats quite intense. my buddy has a type-r 12, sealed w/ about 600w going to it and it pounds, i cant imagine a ported 15 with almost double the power lol! ...well come to think of it, i guess i dont have to imagine it its right there in the video. heh.
  15. gushybear

    Optimal Enclosure for 2 12" q's

    i believe if you go to the factory's website you can get reccomended sealed enclosure volumes. make sure to factor in driver displacement (also shown) and the thickness of your wood if you're going with external dimensions as for whether they will "beat" a w6,... what they said ^^
  16. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    wow eh! thats some serious time. gotta pump out those boeings lol! just an FYI let me know before you ship it, i have to make sure i'll be at the address you'll be sending it to!
  17. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    haha yesss bjjj its very very nice. lol.
  18. gushybear

    Project Land Rover

    its more beautiful then i expect my first born to be. haha great work so far ! i'm practically crying lol.
  19. This box is going to be so kickass. dylan is awesome at designing this thing, i wont post the rough pics unless he says its alright, but I'd be interested when this bad boy is built, to see a build log of it! Thanks BJ and dylan for all the time and work you've already put in!
  20. gushybear

    Box for Range Rover Sport, 2 12's sealed.

    just watching forrest gump... and the sheer badassness of it reminded me of red and black and etched plexi.
  21. gushybear

    Box for Range Rover Sport, 2 12's sealed.

    ahaha i love how there's 40+ posts and the box hasn't even begun to be built yet. i just showed the sketches to some buddys of mine, and they chit themselves.
  22. gushybear

    Box for Range Rover Sport, 2 12's sealed.

    dammit dylan you make me seem so stupid, you think of everything before me! ...then again i guess its your job and all to think these things through. i'm now even more stoked for this effing thing.
  23. gushybear

    Box for Range Rover Sport, 2 12's sealed.

    hmm i was just thinking, maybe it'd be cool if the subs were recessed into the box a bit, to make them flush or semi flush. i was going to see if we could incorporate this into the design before you cut everything, but now it seems like maybe it already is recessed 0.75" ?? is that what ended up happening?
  24. gushybear

    Dual 12" SSA Icon Enclosure

    looks really nice! black carpeting would be even noicer!
  25. gushybear

    Box for Range Rover Sport, 2 12's sealed.

    everytime i look at it i want to jump up and down haha. u cant see the best part -- the land rover emblem in the bracing!