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Everything posted by rab

  1. rab

    did the price go up on the btl?

    nick for president
  2. rab

    did the price go up on the btl?

    the reason i was asking is because i bought a 15" n2 a month ago and wanted to another to match but the price shipped was $60 more then the one i bought a month ago.its just a simple question sorry
  3. i just purshased 2 18" btls.i have 4 cf for each 8 cf gross for both.i want to tune the box to 36hz .can some one tell me how many square inches of port opening and the depth ofthe port that i need.thanks
  4. the cap on my 18" btl has a dent on it and i need a new one who can sale me 1?
  5. rab

    how can i get an fi dust cap?

    who can i contact or where can i get a fi dust cap for my 18" btl?
  6. is there a number to get a hold of them or email address
  7. who can i contact to get the icons reconed