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Everything posted by kbkid

  1. I have a 95' Explorer and I have found out that the subs faced up with the port back is the only way to go. I use to run port and subs both faced back but have found out it works much better how I have it now.
  2. kbkid

    The I am single again build!!

    I definantly look forward to your projects Mike. I hope you enjoy your Q as much as I do mine.
  3. kbkid

    BTLs power

    I've seen a few Orions go for close to $400. I know you said its a bit steep, but its going to be difficult to get that much power for so cheap.
  4. kbkid

    Some more pix.

    Everything looks good. Definantly a nice set-up. I'm not sure if you have mentioned it before but what are the box specs?
  5. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    I've also been thinking and talking with a few people who have owned SEs or SX, and I think I'm leaning more towards the 12" SX now. If that isn't loud enough, I could always add another one and still keep the box size around 4-5 cubes. Opinions?
  6. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    I know most of you guys over here are all for SI and SS and it doesn't seem like you get much talk over here about RE. Well my question involves RE, and I'd appriciate some input... I drive a 1995 Ford Explorer XLT. I was going to pick up a set of 12" RE SEs and port them at 33 Hz. I was going to use the following box deminsions: 36" length 13.5" height 23.5" depth Well today I measured and made some what of a template to see how big the box would be in my Explorer. Everything is fine except I don't want it so deep. I've talked with a few guys from RE or who know alot about them and they said I couldn't really make it any smaller. Is that true? Or Should I go with a single 12" or 15" RE SX and port it. I would assume the SX's box would hopefully be smaller. What do you guys think? I'm probably going to throw about 1200 watts at the subs. I'd like to keep the box in between 13"-18"ish deep if possible. What do ya'll think?
  7. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    But then if I put stuff on top of the box, it would end up in the back seat. But if it was a lip there, it would keep it in the back. Thats at least what I was thinking... Maybe I'm crazy.
  8. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    RE Recommends 2 cubic feet ported for the SE. So I could do 4 cubes for both... I'll have to punch some numbers into that calculator...
  9. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    Denim: Mexi is the one who gave me the designs for the box I said earlier. I'm shooting for really nice SQ but being able to get loud at the same time..... I asked Mexi about the single 12" SX and he couldn't find his box deminsions for it...
  10. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    How much taller? If it were 15", what would the depth have to be to keep it around the same size in cubes?
  11. kbkid

    Hmm. Decisions...

    Well the top of the seat if 18" so I don't want to go any higher than that.
  12. I'm putting my first system together one piece at a time. I first picked up my Pioneer 8600 at the beginning of the year and installed it into my 1995 Ford Explorer XLT. Now I'm moving to the subwoofers and amp. I mainly have two possibilities: (2) Two 12" RE SEs--- powered by an Orion 1200d OR (1) One 12" RE SX--- powered by an Orion 1200d I will more than likely port it either way, I am just wanting the one that will sound better and have an overall LSQ. I've asked this question to numerous people and I've got many many different answers, if you have an other suggestions, please spit them out. I want to keep it around this price range. Thanks, Kyle
  13. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Its been a while since I've talked to him about them but I THINK they were around $250ish give or take some. It was less than $300 for sure. I'm still kind of unsure about what brand amps I want to go with. I want matching amps, just unsure what yet...
  14. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Yeah I know. I might end up picking up a pair of CDT ef-61/cf with the 560 xovers and silk tweets.
  15. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    djdilliodon use to sell DLS but he no longer carries there products... Thats why I ask. Do you think the Orion amps are a good choice. Or can I get something just as good for cheaper. It was going to cost around $625 for both amps with full warranty.
  16. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    I might look into the Rainbow. Ever since I've started looking into Audio, I've seen that Rainbow are a high-end company. Very well made companies. Supa- Which DLS comps were you talking about and where can I get them?
  17. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    All of the local shops around here dont stock anything but big mainstream compaines... JL, Kicker, PG, Alpine stuff like that. I probably won't be able to test DLS, CDT, Rainbow or any company like that around here...
  18. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Will the Soundlines work well in the factory door locations? I'll throw them how ever much power they require, I just want something thats going to sound good.
  19. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Sooo which is it? No more than $300. Rainbows are out of the picture I believe.
  20. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    What kind of comps would you guys look into? I will be putting them into the factory location in my Explorer... ( I don't have the time or experience to try to attempt to build kick pods). I think I can get 6.5 in my stock location as long as I use a baffle. The amp I will use will either be the Orion 4002 or Orion 8002. All depends on the comps. I do not want to spend more than $300 on comps.
  21. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Any other suggestions? I know there are many choices I could go with.
  22. kbkid

    Slowly putting it together...

    Should I tune to around 32Hz?
  23. kbkid

    First System

    So about 30 feet of 1/0 gauge. How much speaker wire and stuff will I need? Would the 30 feet be enough to do the Big 3 Upgrade? Could someone give me a list or something of what I would need?
  24. kbkid

    First System

    I am looking into buying two 15" subs, a nice decent headunit, an amp to power the subs, a set of components for the front and an amp to power the components. What would you guys recommend for all of that. I have no more than $1500 to work with and I would like to stay under that price. I want the equipment to be nice high quality equipment, but still staying under that price. Thanks, Kyle
  25. kbkid

    First System

    Should I run 1/0 and then from the distro block run 4 gauge to the amp? How much of each wire do you think I will need. That question is more directed towards denim only because I know he has an Explorer like me. How much of each thing?