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Everything posted by kbkid

  1. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    I finally got around to getting the a-pillars finished up the week before classes begin: I also picked up a new battery for up front. The plan is to run dual batteries in the battery box in the engine compartment, but I
  2. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    The a pillars still need quite a bit of filling and sanding, but its coming along.
  3. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Next are a few pictures of the mids mounted in the doors. I need to finish deadening the doors completely, but I was in a hurry to get these in. I
  4. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Once again I forgot to update this thread. In the past month I
  5. Could someone help me out with the baseline settings to start with when running active. This is my first active set-up and all of the settings are beginning to overwhelm me. I have a somewhat understanding, but was wondering if someone could help me get in the right direction. Vehicle: Ford Explorer Headunit: Pioneer Premier 800PRS Subwoofer Amp: Orion 2500D Subwoofer: Two 12
  6. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    Apparently the 2500D doesn't have a subsonic filter. It also appears its more of an alternator whine and not so much a hiss from the tweeters.
  7. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    I am running ported to I'll be sure to flip the switch for subsonic.
  8. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    Thanks for the help. I will turn the tweeter gain completely down. I will also adjust the left and right mid to get them closer together. Edit: Also should I turn all of the filters on the amp off and control them by the headunit only?
  9. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    When I put my ear up to them, I hear a fuzzy hiss. Additionally when I rev the engine I hear more of a whine. So what would you suggest to eliminate the problem(s)? A couple of questions to add on: When adjusting the gain for the mids, should both the front left and front right read the same voltage? I set the front left to 20V and when I put it on the front right it read 23.xx. Is this normal? I know I'm throwing a lot of questions out there at once, but maybe one question could lead to answers to other problems.
  10. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    The same way I did the mids, which was playing a 1kHz tone while turning the gain knob until it got to 20V. Except I stuck the multimeter probes into the rear outputs on the amp. The way I understood was to unplug the speakers and turn both the front gain and rear gain completely down. Insert the multimeter into the outputs on the amp and adjust it until the needed voltage is met for the front. Then do the exact same for the rear gain knob.
  11. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    After reading, it appears I can set the tweeters gain separate from the mids. I finished setting all of the gains and I have the settings mentioned above dialed in. There was one setting I didn't know what to do with and it was Level L and R with 0dB down to -16dB or so. I had that option for each filter. What should that be set around. The tweeters have a slight hiss or fuzzy sound to them. I also think I have some alternator whine only when the tweeters are hooked up, is that possible?
  12. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    Do I need to unhook each individual speaker lead going to the amp for the four channel or if I only do one will it set the entire amp?
  13. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    Do you mean in the list, or my numbers? You would think not wanting the mids to play anything lower than 80Hz, so set the LPF to 80. Or am I confused on the definition? Also, what is different when setting the gains on a four channel amp opposed to a subwoofer one? I know I'll be using a 1khz instead of 50hz, but is that the only difference? Do I need to unhook all of the speakers and set each individual channel or are some paired together? Am I correct in saying that: 1. My subwoofer amp will be set to 50V because that is the sqrt of 2500. 2. My four channel amp will be set to 20V because that is the sqrt of 100w*4ohms. 3. I am asking newbie questions that I should already know the answer to.
  14. kbkid

    Active Settings Baseline

    Just to clear if up it would look something like this: Low LPF: 80Hz Mid HPF: 5500Hz Mid LPF: 80Hz High HPF: 5500hz
  15. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    This weekend I had a few hours so I began to build the enclosure for the woofers. I failed to remember to take pictures of the entire build, but I took a few. I haven't had time to carpet it yet, but before I do, I'll snap some pictures of everything else. Here were the plans for the box: I'd like to thank IonLSQ and JBLCAMARY for the drawings and plans. I know, this was a poor excuse for an update, but its progress. Also, word of advice, buy a Jasper Jig. They are quite amazing.
  16. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Thanks guys.
  17. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Triple alts? That wasn't quite figured into my budget... I might have an update or two later this week on these. I'm gonna check Autozone and double check the prices for the Optimas.
  18. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    I may put two Deka Intimidators up front and hopefully that will be enough to take care of all of the equipment. I think the truck has something like a stock 130A alternator so that should hold me over for now.
  19. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    You mean just a regular Group 34 or whatever. I'm pretty sure I can get the regular sized Yellowtop for $150ish.
  20. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Thanks guys. Any suggestion on a new starter battery that could also hang with the stereo system. I had the chance to pick up a G31 Yellowtop for a pretty nice price, but it won't quite fit in the engine bay. I'd like to keep it below $250 if possible.
  21. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Today I got the fans wired up and cables hidden as well as the main ground in the back made. I'm not posting the pictures of it because honestly its nothing exciting. Tomorrow I go in to work early so I won't have any time to work on it. I'm in need of a new battery as well so I might possibly pick something up later this week.
  22. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    I had the chance this morning to run most of the wires on the amp rack: Also ran into this little girl:
  23. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    Yesterday the tweeters were delivered. I picked up the Seas textile dome from Madisound. I also picked up some Techflex to cover all of the wires in the back. I at least wanted to cover all of the power and ground cables as well as the speaker wires. We'll see how that works out. In the pictures you also see some 3/4" heatshrink for the 1/0. The plan is to glass some tweeter pods in the a pillar. Though I've only done minor glass work, this will be the first time worrying about it looking nice. I'm waiting until everything is installed before I glass them so I can figure out where they should be pointed after hearing them.
  24. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

  25. kbkid

    2002 Ford Explorer

    The tweeters came in today, so I'll toss the pictures up of them later.