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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    I'm almost done here.

    when family fueds go bad
  2. djjdnap

    ported doorpods

    ^^^lmao that was a good one.lol
  3. djjdnap

    ported doorpods

    .. good lookin on the glass man. I just hope ur makin sure all that stuff is clearing and you still have room. If not i will be like and you'll be like and i'll be like and then you'll be like then i'll be all like and then you'll be all ike then i'll be all like ANd you'll end up like then and i'll be like better luck next time
  4. djjdnap

    12 or 15 ?

    15's they have more cone area, which means they'll get loud easier, ...in most cases, thier is also factor x, y, z.
  5. djjdnap


    Alpine mrv 100--broken My recone project Now thats old school
  6. djjdnap

    The ride

    i used the flash on a couple, i just like the look of it without.
  7. djjdnap

    The ride

    no gas the detector TV, in dash http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/djjdnap1/IMGA0477.jpg flash radio in the glove comp. flash grrrr cheese, i took off the red cover the headlights are red also
  8. djjdnap

    The ride

    the wires were tucked behind, but they keep comin out, besides, no one looks in thier anyway.. theres a power inverter behind all of that,
  9. djjdnap


    oh i never took photography, cameras are dam exspensive
  10. djjdnap


    F???? soo confused, anyway peep the next thread
  11. djjdnap


    sorry i have shaky hands
  12. djjdnap

    Ok just got a digi cam

    Only of car audio no moms or gf's, as they are too shy for the cam
  13. djjdnap

    Ok just got a digi cam

    ligers, No, no jumps, but it did flip over on my dad and thier where no role bars , broke a few ribs and wrist, couldn't get out of the bed for about a month
  14. djjdnap

    Ok just got a digi cam

    actually i do own a big tractor, and have about 3 riding mowers, will take pics and post today, of random thigs, lol
  15. djjdnap

    Amplifier Break-in Period

    just wait till it starts lightning and get a long rod and hope you get struck
  16. alot of fords have a positive lead running to the starter first.... hence his question. mines has pos and negative
  17. ok, since fords are a bit**, and the ground and power wire are connected behind the engine, and i would never be able to get them off and back on without taking alot of stuff off, maybe even the engine, can i just cut the original wires, close to where it is connected and just add my new wire to it. Because most people say that if you do the same with an amp it wont make a diffrence, so would it work. nv about clip.
  18. man, i had to learn all this the hard way. lol no seriously i had most of it done, i didnt know what the hell a chassi ground was, but i got all of it. Thank you auto zone.
  19. Jessica rabbit is i just re uploaded photoshop and thought i would upgrade
  20. djjdnap

    The SI 15" has some competition

    dam i missed this thread yesterday, haha, I never really got what happened to ED in the 1st place, i just remember dude wasn't making enough subs, but was still taking the money also, he wasn't making them right, i guess all of that has changed now. Now I guess hifonics is on the chit list.
  21. djjdnap


    its like just 2 months of doing nothing, exept driving, and spendin/burning gas. And your leaving your girl for 2 months couldn't do it, she would have me suspect anyway
  22. djjdnap

    Who are the elders of this forum?

    dave, you look to be about 40..never would have guessed that one.
  23. djjdnap

    XXX Prob

    hey can i get the site also... And soo, do you want to sell that viper as of now?
  24. djjdnap


    sounds like a waste to me. I mean it might be nice to see the world, but unless ur finding women at these places your going, it seems like a waste. but have fun, be safe
  25. djjdnap

    Who are the elders of this forum?

    i guess i'm the youngest at 19? be 20 in oct.... Ah puttin the teen years behind me.