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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    New Samples Posted

    they got 6.5's lol
  2. djjdnap

    MJ-18 Test Results Posted

    y does everyone keep sayin 350rms then? on the main web site is says 600rms though. does it only come in 8 ohms?
  3. djjdnap

    New Samples Posted

    interesting, i wonder wat the response is like
  4. djjdnap

    MJ-18 Test Results Posted

    i thought it was 600rms?
  5. djjdnap

    Attention SSA: your car audio system sucks!!!

    don't they do that type of things at parades?
  6. djjdnap

    2500w @ 1 ohm

    my 3000db ran at .5 on my SX's, never really got hot. But the rca in's circuit messed up somehow, so i doubt it was because of th e.5 ohms. what happened to the orions?
  7. djjdnap

    Sound Check Comp July 29th Indiana

    dam lafeyette. 30min drive, so i might make it out
  8. djjdnap


    ALl ths info what to believe, lol ur right about one thing, people are going to nelieve what they want to, lol. u guys are getting way to uptight about a topic that i'm sure ahs been discussed a million times over.
  9. djjdnap


    ok its not a fix ur right, but just because ur car has a 90a alt doesn't mean it needs all 90a, think about it. Your car comes wt a stock radio and amp already, ur not using your power windows all the time, your not using your wipers all the time, your not using your bright lights 24/7 hell your don't even use your lights all the time, But you can run a 1000watt amp on a stock system, point blank, i've done it on more than one car.
  10. djjdnap

    Could someone explain this

    depending on the wattage of the amp i think it varys from 600watts=75$, 601-1599wats=100$ 1600+watts=150$ http://www.kbaudio.com/
  11. djjdnap

    Xenon bulbs

    u can still use relays which will make a hell of a diffrence.. http://www.lincolnsonline.com/tech/00100.html or http://www.danielsternlighting.com/tech/relays/relays.html
  12. djjdnap

    Buahahaha lookit

    wow... Let's add a happy little tree.
  13. djjdnap


    i'm sure a 1200 watt amp can be ran on a stock ssytem depending on the alt, i know my 95a alt can. But yea i've done the big 3 as well.
  14. djjdnap

    Rust repair/painting tips

    1.find the rust spot. 2. sand entire area, even past where the rust is. 3. sand some more 4. bondo it up 5. sand 6. sand some more 7 wet sand that baby 8. repaint any questions?
  15. djjdnap

    VIP styling my car

    Yea on there motorcycles But if i were you i'd just go wt the rims. If you want more rubber on ur tires, just get it lifted and get bigger tires. At autozone they have these liftkits where you basiclly get the air tool and socket and put it into ur cars springs..pretty easy, but then again i have a 30gallon air tank wt lots of tools layin around, lol another thing you can do is go on cardomain and search for your car and just see what kinda mods other people have done and get ideas from them, that way you'll know what things look like on ur car already.
  16. djjdnap

    Xenon bulbs

    idk i bought some cheap ones off of there, and they've been pretty reliable other than the fact that they were supposed to be red and the light makes them look pink..lol But they haven't went out or exploded lol, have ahd them for about a year now, forget the brand, but came from ebay and were about 10bucks
  17. djjdnap


    i just found out i have a 95amp alt instead of the 130a.. lol, man excessive prices are a bit high to me.. it's like 369$ for a 200a this place today told me i can get it rebuilt to 200a for 179$ but i'm gettin a newer car so it would be a waist But the orion only takes 4 guage wire. --------------------------------To get on topic I know mines has 2 4 guage power and 2 4 guage grounds.
  18. djjdnap

    My plan for my car

    arent the assassins like 90 bucks? and the rms is 350 but if u have to do it all cartoyz... i feel u
  19. what do u mean fades? r u using burnt cd's? The quality of them isn't that great and can vary from song to song depending on the file. Also we don't really have a clue to as of what kind of system you have.. All wee have so far is 2 amps, 2 subs, and a yellow top in the trunk.
  20. djjdnap

    Happy Fourth of July - WEEK!

  21. not to familiar wt the titan line. But how could u not get loud in a malibu? lol let me see here.. 1.Ported Box 2.Big 3
  22. djjdnap

    Hey, just joined and I have an E class too!

    1st post and it has pics in it
  23. Hmmmm.. what amp? Car? What r u lookin for?
  24. djjdnap

    more battery help

    I think he's going wt teh odyssey