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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    ok i can use jimj's and since everyone seems to like his. have the right side stay the same and the names of the companies move around on the left side. well hell i'll do mines and his. and we can go from there
  2. djjdnap

    i finally got my spl tested....

    thats a hell of a number. the nine.1 is 1200watts right? u should upgrade to that orion 2500d if ur not chicken, bcaa i'm sure u'll notice the diffrence
  3. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    and out of nowhere, lol
  4. djjdnap

    which one?

    i had a 3000db and its a nice amp for the price. It obviously doesnt do 2400watts though. never messed wt soundstream.
  5. djjdnap

    I hate my tunk car....

    ^^just trying to save a headache. the radius would be 12 not 6. since it is 2 12" subs.
  6. djjdnap

    classic vid

    THis vid is still funny to me LINK i'm mad he says 130db, but the sensor only says 100, lol "Thats some big SH**" lol
  7. djjdnap

    I hate my tunk car....

    wtf r u talkin bout? 24*24=576 576*3.14=1808 18*18=324 324*3.14=1017 who ever complains about sub cancellation? unless its some weird configuration and the subs are facing each other or something of that sort. right enclosure dependent meaning that, 2 subs in an adequate enclosure is going to sound better than one that is not big enough.
  8. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    i'll change mines into one lol,
  9. djjdnap

    I hate my tunk car....

    I wouldnt think u needed an 18 to be honest wt u. 2 nice 12's shuold be just fine. I'm not sayin ur waisting ur money but, just because you change the size of ur sub doesn't mean ur going to be any louder. Especially if ur using th esame wattage as before, in my eyes all i can see is that ur losing cone area, ur going from 24in of cone area to 18 totall. The assassing are what 250rms so 500all together and now ur getting 600 all together. Last time i checked 100watts isnt audible. Not flaming, but you remind me of my friend who kept buying cheap subs and amps and wondering why it wasn't as loud as mines, i mean just cuz i have 2 18's dont mean nothing now having 2 18's and 2500watts is a diffrent story. all u need is 1200watts if that and u shouldn't be able to sit in ur car. and i'll leave you wt this quote that fits so well to this topic.
  10. djjdnap

    classic vid

    idk if 2/3k would be cheap enough. this is the part of the manufacturing process where you start sayin well where can i cut back on some things at, instead of using the most expensive glue, use the 2 or 3rd exspensivest(sp) kinda. Nah Mean Jelly Bean
  11. djjdnap

    Skinny Slot port

    i think i had this same problem and my box was alot bigger. I think mines was 3in wide, but if u ever have seen anyone elses box, the port usually isnt that big, unless its like a wall or something. So i would guess and say u'll be alright, I've also read that if ur port is longer than ur box, just cut the piece and add it to the end of the port making like an L shape.
  12. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    ------------------ ------------------------- ------------------ simple...it was just all those dam company names that took up all the space, lol if u still use ur gmail acount thats what i sent the psd files to.
  13. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    lol, i'm on it my bad been kinda lazy
  14. djjdnap

    for all ur needs

    for all ur big booty needs.. http://jerzyfam.freepimphost.com/frontx.html for all ur other needs. http://p-junkie.blogspot.com/
  15. djjdnap

    I hate my tunk car....

    ^^ i think we've been over that already
  16. ok it should be like tracks from 1-10 i think, and u can click on teh number and it will bring up an empty track. There should be another screen that u can bring up it might be playlist don't remember, but there its diffrent colored blocks. And basiclly the block is once of the tracks. hope this helps more
  17. basiclly if u want to make the song longer, every track u make will be its own track, you then place the tracks in the song thing. wt all the boxes and what not. the more boxes you strectch out will determine the length of the song. If that makes since.
  18. djjdnap

    New Banner Submission !!

    i can do it, lol just giv me a day or 2
  19. djjdnap

    Sblazer twins reppin SSA!!!

  20. djjdnap

    MJ-18 Test Results Posted

    ^^ I like ur thinking. Because i'll def buy some of the 18's I just dont like the 8 ohm thing but i think 4 ohms would be perfect for my amp.. 8 in series is 4, so yea, that may work out.. I'll keep my ear to this GB idea 1st though , lol
  21. djjdnap


    i've had one of those wal mart tweeters blow up/pop while listening to my music. I was driving then all of a sudden POW. Reminds me of when i was in class and blew up a 24uf capacitor, sounded like a gun went off and i couldnt hear for a couple minutes.
  22. Soo what is a good idle amperage for the alternator to have? I've been doin alot of searchin and research, but never really found the answer to this question. I've seen 200a alts that only put out 60-100a at idle. I've also seen 200a alts that put out 100+ at idle. what is a good rating? i know u can get a smaller pulley to make the alt spin faster.\ Just curious because i see a 200a alt i like for 179$ and it does 95a at idle. thats more than i have now cuz i ony have a 95a alt, lol P.s. My transmission went out, secong one in there, plus a new engine. But the alt on a town car and navigator are the same so no worries
  23. still doesn't answer what a good idle amperage is.. but a good read none the less
  24. djjdnap

    I got a new car v2

    waiting for the sell nice car btw lol