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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    18" BL in a trunk

  2. djjdnap

    >>>>2007 Hyundai Santa Fe Limited<<<<

    this is what motivates me to keep doing audio projects.
  3. lol, thats a whole lot of info, but http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/amplifier2.htm http://www.williamson-labs.com/480_xtor.htm a dam good site, u'll probably learn alot of stuff that you dont want to know, lol,
  4. just swap out the transistor. It might have went bad. Basically you can call the company and ask them what model transistor it is or it might be lebled on there and go and buy it and fix it yourself. For about 5$. Just make sure that is the only thing. If you do decide to fix it, plug it up outside of ur car and test it first.
  5. djjdnap

    2-15 RE/FI SX Hybrids, 40.1 VID!!!!!

    how much did that run you? that might be an easier upgrade, than tryin to sell and re-buy subs
  6. it should be fine, i've hooked an amp and sub up in my house wt a regular car batt, only had the problem of the battery dieng after so long
  7. djjdnap

    Introducing the first SSA subwoofer

    this is niiiice.
  8. djjdnap

    Anyone running 2 18's?

    they sound nice, lol
  9. djjdnap

    2 BTL 18"s in Explorer *pics*

    Yo that was hot, that gucci mane song got some low low notes.
  10. djjdnap

    Who else loves alcohol?

    oh yea stay away from tequila u'll be fcked up b4 u know it, and by that time its too late, lol
  11. djjdnap

    Who else loves alcohol?

    Bacardi superior str8 all day...i havent really found it tasting good wt anything. Hen and Dr.Pepper or Coke is good or Seagrams 7 and coke. a girly drink would be some parrot bay and dole fruit splash or somin. It wo't get u fcked up but its pretty good...for the ladies, lol
  12. djjdnap

    help w/sub wiring

    yea 8 guage is fine, what u can do is buy the thing above, or shave the wires down and twist them togeher really good. I' cant beleive it doesnt hold 2 8 guage wires.
  13. djjdnap

    how loud can 2 Q 18's sealed be off 2000+

    depends on the install, my car did some horrible numbers, lol, i mean its loud to me kinda. Basiclly what im sayin is i had an old buik skylark wt 1200 watts and sexxx's , i couldnt sit in the car and it was fallin apart. Now i have 2500watts and two SX's and its nowhere near as loud in my town car. But yea it will be loud,
  14. djjdnap

    12" RL-p In The Box

    ways it going in? wat amp?
  15. djjdnap

    Updated the home page

    i like the mouse over effect, those fi subs look nice
  16. if u like it get it i'm sure its 1mil opinions
  17. djjdnap

    Calling all photoshoppers.....

    some of the colors looked the same, better than nothin.
  18. djjdnap


    u got a virus or somin? Spybot is ur friend, so is http://housecall.trendmicro.com/
  19. djjdnap

    BM install

    wow i thought it was going in the bed, chit not the back seat. I'm sure someone will be going deff PrettY soon. One word for you Haircut and underwear, lol so maybe more than 2. *nice
  20. djjdnap

    welding wire?

    yea u guys talk like geeks, jeez two runs of wire ur gonna need though. 1 1/0 for the 16v to ur amp 1 1/0(if need be) for the 12v to a distro then to (4guage outs) ur amps. ur not gonna notice the diffrence between weldin wire and audio wire or home depot wire. The only thing u'll notice is the flexibilty. The car audio wire tends to be a little bigger than the welding wire. I think the kicker wire i got was like 8 strands of 8gauge wire all wrapped up, The welding wire was just one big strand. And the home depot wire i used a while ago was umm very thick and hard to work wt but its possible. But they have all sounded the same haven't noticed a diffrence.
  21. djjdnap

    The T/A

    wat be under dat hood sir?
  22. djjdnap

    welding wire?

    if chasing tenth's i'd x out the distro block, and just shave down the ends of the 1/0 to fit into the amp, a grinder works nice (air tool). Or i've seen where they have 1/0 connectors that hook into ur amp that would be the best option i think. The distro block would only be if u were using more than one amp, but in that case u can run more than one line of 1/0 wire back there.
  23. djjdnap

    JBL's not working right

    yea round speakers tend to be less distorted, although i like my alpine 6x9's
  24. djjdnap

    welding wire?

    i wish i woulda got the 2/0 although i didnt need it. I have 1/0 going back to a distro block then 4 guage. I would suggest the same. The shorter the run of the wire, the higher in guage u can go. So just dont make it that long
  25. djjdnap

    JBL's not working right

    agree to check the ohmage. if its not 4ohms i'm guessing there 4, than its toast