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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    really... AGAIN!

    Im interested as well^^ But umm i can carrry more than 90lbs with ease
  2. djjdnap

    Hammer crimper vs Hydraulic crimper

    i would say that propane and some solder would be alot cheaper. Just come up with a vice mechanism that can hold multiple tips...lol... tips and go down the line.. But if your set on a crimper..I have no idea, i just have a big ass hammer called Molly Mall
  3. djjdnap

    really... AGAIN!

    saw one in shelbyville for 175$ today.. it was a 10 tho
  4. Chop was giving a demo and i only got part of the song. just open the file with a media player its small https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxLrfYEawFdIYkpXUHVVd2UzaFU/edit?usp=sharing
  5. djjdnap

    What song is this?

    ahh yeah lol,, i swear some songs you hear and u act like a kid at Christmas waiting to listen to it in your car lol
  6. djjdnap

    Epic trolling

    nah i think you guys got it twisted.. Is why you guys didn't get it smh
  7. djjdnap

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    yea but theres less chance of phubbing it up with port area, length, ect ect
  8. djjdnap

    Epic trolling

    lmao this thread is turning out pretty dam funny.. pleeze no one take anything serious
  9. djjdnap

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    i've always been a sealed fan. They just seem to have better low end. then again ive never tuned a box to be under 34hz
  10. djjdnap

    Epic trolling

    I think he just named the thread the same as the youtube vid. Only gay if your not comfortable with yourself lmao
  11. djjdnap

    Epic trolling

    often that is
  12. djjdnap

    Epic trolling

    lol no more demo's bro
  13. djjdnap

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    It could be, i listen to her on my pandora actually, maybe the bass just makes it sound different.
  14. Ok so i appreaciate the shout out lol. So im guessing its something like my clutch and gas cable on my bike if so, to lock and unlock is just pushing and pulling that cable correct? if so, you can get a shorter or longer cable that you can surely make something for the actuator to attach to and push and pull the lock open and close
  15. djjdnap

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    When all this goes down someone invite me out as well lol. I cant find the song everyone was using with the woman singing on it. Although i do have the old usb sick *cough cough*
  16. take some pics wt ur big ass phone to help us out
  17. djjdnap

    Atomic 3000.1d and 2 FI BLs

    atomics are usually stable at .5 But you highly increase the risk of having your amp puff the magic dragon
  18. wheres the booty? lol
  19. djjdnap

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    that wasn't a phone, that was a 'note' lol bad pun
  20. djjdnap

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    whats your box tuned to? i think my next box will be tuned higher, im at 32hz right now and it peaked at 39
  21. djjdnap

    how can i get louder

    true true.. i was just showing how big they were
  22. djjdnap

    how can i get louder

    yea that port area is small ass cat balls. lol 2 18's in 7cu boxes tuned to 32 specs in the fi cut sheet thread, but i moved the port to the rear http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/44518-btl-box-cut-sheets/
  23. I think im ready for 4" coils

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      I have a good idea what sub would work well. ;)

    2. djjdnap


      lol at the dustcaps. I think they are still somewhere in the hatch smh..

      And aaron your right, but im thinking 8 of them with alot more power.

      my goal is 160db, but this is a far into the future project.

      Got inspired this weekend to go ahead with a wall.

    3. djjdnap


      c pillar wall that is <_<

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  24. djjdnap

    how can i get louder

    what is considered loud though? this past weekend has me wondering lol.