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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    help buying wires!

    https://weldingsupply.com you can buy it buy the foot and its cheap
  2. djjdnap

    the BOX

    idk about that? some truck installs have the sub vert close to the back of the box
  3. djjdnap

    girlfriends accident

    lol, okay it was a turn arrow that she had...i guess i either left things out or didn't explain too well the way the street is set up its a a 4 way intersection, and the turn lane that she was in has a doube arrow that works on its on, there is a median dividing the turn lane and through street. it wasn't just a green light.. there are arrows there as well. but its not 50/50 that is bull...we'll see what her insurance has to say though they still havn;t called back prolly cuz of the weekend
  4. djjdnap

    girlfriends accident

    So i get to her appartment and she's about to goto work at about 4am... As im bout to goto sleep she calls me screamin that she got in an accident So i run out the door, one sock on and all get there to find this. Hers is the silver grand am She escaped wt some blisters on her arm from the air bag and a sore neck...Still went to the ER though.. The asshole that hit her says that his light was green as well so insurance says they will take care of it, but the car is worth 6k or so, and she still has 7k or so to pay on it so even if they total it she still owes 1000 and is out of a car, and if they do 50/50 liability she won't even get that much...THis is a fucked up situation anyone got any ideas?
  5. djjdnap

    girlfriends accident

    well like i said both of them said they had a green light... but he hit her, so he is more than 50% liable in my eyes, no brake marks or anything on the ground, so he didnt even try to stop
  6. i would say check ur connections if it went up some.. take your connector to ur alt off and spray some electric connector spray on there and other places that have a connection
  7. djjdnap

    girlfriends accident

    well i guess i left this out, but her car was goin southbound and when she got hit it spun around goin eastbound.. Police just took the info from both of them and there statements, but they didn't care. The guy that hit her was fine and didn't even want to goto the hospital, he said some BS about bein on his way to a help center...at 4AM? GTFOH She was turning at the light. the guy ran the light and hit her....and even if he did have a green light how why the hell woulnd't u slow down if u saw a car making a turn
  8. djjdnap

    box for 12'' BTL

    is that enough port area?
  9. djjdnap

    Mach 5 MJ-18M vs. RE Audio SX18

    just bought some mt's to keep up wt my ever growing addiktion otherwise i would
  10. djjdnap

    just wondering

    just go ahead and splure for the 4guage... weldingsupply.com its only like 1.29 or less dependin on color per ft
  11. djjdnap

    mt recones

    i think that is incorrect...but they do have some that will fit
  12. djjdnap

    How to install Damlifier & Luxury Liner Video

    dynamat=pwned gettin high off of thinner in a video ftw, lol nice vid
  13. djjdnap


    no bomber man?
  14. djjdnap

    Low Budget Build

    wt that hu i just hope u dont try to play cds... well not sure about that exact one but my girl had a cheap cd player(dual brand) and it skipped when u hit a bump in the road, lmao, the longer i've been into car audio the more i've come to realize that u should just save up and get wat u want rather than buy things and still want to upgrade later
  15. djjdnap

    Box help!

    dont feel bad man i've done that 2x on the same car, lol.. well u can try and build it into the trunk take the trunk off and see if it fits or get to cuttin
  16. conversely speaking the lower the impedence the more power, it will put out as well as power*current* it needs to function
  17. djjdnap


    its coo, i like the dark skin though
  18. djjdnap


    i think i got it when it was a group buy about 300$ for a 250a or 200a alt, i dont remember, lol unless u meant to get it tested it its free
  19. djjdnap


    yea i got an EA alt as well, on my town car, although its sposed to go on a navigator, lol, oh well works just fine... Also, u can take that alt to advance auto and they should be able to test it for u. the meter goes to about 250, but it doesn't turn the pulley fast enough to get that high iirc
  20. djjdnap

    Mach 5 MJ-18M vs. RE Audio SX18

    i miss that sub (sx18)
  21. djjdnap

    Am I over Powering ?

    i would say yes.. however, if u turn the gains down enough u shouldn't have any problem its what the business world likes to call overhead, lol --- ucan do the old play by ear rooutine turn the hu all the way up.. then set the gain on the sub, so that the sub is sounding nice, not popping or sounding distorted.. the reaon i say set ur hu all the way up is because most people never turn it all the way up giving u even more chance to not screw up.
  22. djjdnap

    say i had a guy in japan.......

    idk man check ebay... u end up payin the same on there though, but it might give u an idea of whats good and whats not
  23. djjdnap

    SPL Explorer

    true that my car gets 10mpg though, haha, i've yet to find anything beating that, other than mercedes
  24. djjdnap

    SPL Explorer

    i hate suv's