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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    2 ohm btl

    ah well it can be ran at 1 or .5 if u got the electic to handle it at .5 hey its worth it i think i found one for 350$ on ebay
  2. djjdnap

    2 ohm btl

    orion 5000d...the 2500watt one
  3. might have to find one of them for my navi if i ever get it fixed, where u order it from?
  4. djjdnap

    Enclosure Building

    i've never had a double baffle for any of my systems and haven't had any problems.....but if u have the space for it i would say go ahead
  5. djjdnap

    Help wiring amp to yellotop

    well u can ground to the car, and run the power wire to the pos of the batt from the other batt... Distro blocks come in handy here. kuz u can run a bigger wire to the batt and the other wire runs to the amp
  6. djjdnap

    amp for a Fi BTL

    depends on the amp?
  7. djjdnap

    SSA & CYV meet for Illinois

    if its not more than 3 hours i might be in from indy, well, if i get my system installed by then as well
  8. wait what was the point of comparing rf and dd again? I think i missed that the point im trying to make is that.... people are saying that the stetsom is a burp amp because it pulls alot of current or whatever, im pointing out that u just need a good electrical to keep it happy, as people say they run it daily with no problems.. Just at when the MT's 1st came out people always said u couldn't run them daily because of cooling and alot of other random myths that forums put onto companies.. The RF and DD topic was in response to u and stovebolts comments, which are way way way off topic, from the original post i made.
  9. well if u go back and look at meades thread u dont need 30 batteries to run this amp, a good alt yes, I'm not saying stock anything, the z1 was an example of a stock system that i had seen in person..not my own... I dont remember all the hoopla about the RF amp nor do i care to go back and reread threads..I know what it is
  10. djjdnap

    Kenwood KVT-819 DVD won't playback video

    yea theres ur problem, it has to be grounded... i think to bypass the newer units u have to ground it to a switch and click on, off, on, or something to that effect
  11. djjdnap

    how to fit large wire into btl speaker terminals

    lol quoted for truth
  12. http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/rftech/glossary.asp?p_id=150 not!
  13. djjdnap

    Kenwood KVT-819 DVD won't playback video

    go ack to the manual and read the video source select part
  14. djjdnap

    Whats some good Cardio

    Just looking for some ideas.. So far I've found that comcast has Tae Boe and some other exercise programs that are pretty cool. One is called booty beat, lol, i guess they try to teach girls how to dance and exercise at the same time, lol Also i bought a weighted jump rope but i've been makin excuses because its cold outside. Never been much of a jogging type, it always feels like people are staring , lol. really just trying to find something I can do and see results to get my abs back, lol, i know they're there just under this flab, lol
  15. the numbers correlate to the relay... u still should have a parking break
  16. hmmm, not all lol my friend had an ford excape stock alt and hc2400 and ran a DD z1 with no problems, lol in my old car i could barely run my jbl 1200.1 off the stock not all amps r made the same
  17. yea i thought u just had to ground the parking break wire to a constant ground
  18. djjdnap

    Kenwood KVT-819 DVD won't playback video

    i think it plays while all the way in.. as well as u can play video with it tilted or all the way out.
  19. djjdnap

    Refurbished SAX-100.4s on Sale

    ssa member discounts?
  20. djjdnap

    Kenwood KVT-819 DVD won't playback video

  21. get some fabric and cover it and glass that btch, lol
  22. djjdnap


    get some pvc pipe and cut it and put it on the edges, works alot better than sanding
  23. djjdnap

    3way Front Staging placement

    my friend has a mercedes kompressor and its stock system sounds really really nice, i think its doors and a pillars