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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap


    From the album: MT build 2008-2010ish

  2. djjdnap


    From the album: MT build 2008-2010ish

  3. djjdnap


    From the album: MT build 2008-2010ish

  4. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  5. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  6. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  7. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  8. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  9. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  10. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  11. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  12. djjdnap


    From the album: Ran dum

  13. djjdnap

    Slamology 2011

    lol, if i get this amp in and quit being lazy
  14. i dont get phone interviews, but whatever it takes

  15. djjdnap


  16. djjdnap


    2-5 can come with me
  17. djjdnap

    DCON 8D4

    yea looked it up thats a whole 3 more inches well 2.3" Could still work
  18. djjdnap

    DCON 8D4

    ^^ SI
  19. you ever just walk around the hardware store for things you can use for audio lol

    1. sefugi


      Wife always asks me what took so long!

    2. porkchop


      yesterday! 107.69 lol, of stuff i "might" use

    3. jacob9292


      Yes, I do it everwhere I go. lol

    4. Show next comments  144 more
  20. djjdnap

    DCON 8D4

    is it gonna use the same magnet? wouldnt mind some of those in my doors.
  21. djjdnap

    Make your own ring terminals

    yea, i was lookin for those anl holders too but they were named somethin else i think.
  22. djjdnap

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    today: bike 8mins Bench 4 sets deadlift 4 sets leg press 4 sets did some deep squats with 405 a couple times a couple days ago and my knees hate me now. hello osteo bi flex
  23. who wants to come cut my grass? All this rain grass has to be at least a ft high

  24. djjdnap

    Look what DC Power sent me

    was driving my girls grand prix yesterday and voltage dropped to 12.7v for a while, then jumped back up to 15v. Is yours pcm controlled? If so and it happens again i'd say drive around for a minute and see if it changes. If its not pcm controlled then yea like rob said regulator might have been buggin out. lol Just my 2c
  25. djjdnap

    Make your own ring terminals

    I called and talked to the guy there seemed like a pretty cool guy. He sent me 1 package of 10 instead of 2. Called and he was like the computers there where upgraded or something. He was like well i'll get those out for you today no questions asked