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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. ur thinking in the box. Theres always room to be made.
  2. http://www.impulseusa.com/index.php?cPath=30_35&osCsid=2a1b07436b8b5a49af64e2346511b99e
  3. vogue was coo, 40$ later im still not inevriated...:/.. bottle service nxt time

  4. djjdnap

    Slamology 2011

    Pretty much done. think my egr valve is clogged up, car is loping something serious. Voltage wasn;t steady, so im not sure how good my electrical is. Didn't drop past 11.5 though.
  5. djjdnap

    2006 Buick Rendezvous 2 RF T3Ks and some hybrid 18s

    arizona must be a quiet state lol like maryland.. J/k
  6. bout to go make a vid of my system at the park. will post later

  7. djjdnap

    Make your own ring terminals

    Man i fell asleep while ordering the fuse holders yesterday and dont remember if i bought them or not. LMAO
  8. System is done!!! Just gotta check some settings in the morning.

  9. djjdnap

    Make your own ring terminals

    somehow i used all 20 of my ring terminals in 1 day. I need fuses though, dont want to burn my car down lol. But that would require more ring terminals and more wire
  10. djjdnap

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    Yea I would make a video. Go back to the hill park on one side have a friend sitting on the other side and play your music and show it in court.
  11. djjdnap

    humming noise from amp

    check ur rca's turn ur gain down and see if it still does it/
  12. djjdnap

    How long at a certain weight

    took another week off actually. healed up more i guess, went back in and PR'd Guess i did just need more rest
  13. How long would you consider lifting a certain weight before you consider yourself being at a plateau? my bench went up about 80lbs in 3 months now for the past 2 months my gains have been maybe and extra rep or so. My buddy was like just do high reps light weight. i usually do both though. work up 3 sets heavy work down 3 sets high reps i think im reaching that point where im losing fat/losing muscle from not eating enough
  14. djjdnap

    Trying to drop some weight

    hey my family is from baton rouge, lol
  15. djjdnap

    First time wall build...HELP

    CRX style SUV style For a reg car just build a regular box. have ur subs face inward Take out back seats. Cut frame out Insert box into framed hole
  16. well probly because of the casing. Most places can upgrade ur current alt if u can go wt out driving ur car for a while
  17. djjdnap

    New SSA Shirts

    i was trying to find a girl wt some big b 's and was going to snap a pic, they dont seem to like the pic idea lol
  18. if it fits yes if it doesn't fit make it fit
  19. djjdnap

    The "L" port

    Its L port shaped enclosure time
  20. its 4am, just got done wt all my wiring

  21. sounds like an internet speed problem. You can also turn off features that make the computer run a little better. Something with graphix cant remember off the top of my head
  22. djjdnap

    Trying to drop some weight

    I would say the biggest thing is dont burn urself out on trying not to eat. I usually tell myself im not spending any money on fast food or going out to eat during the week. The weekend is usually not that bad either, because staying away from stuff for 5 days usually starts to train your appetite if you will. Most people say im not eating anything bad anymore and wind up on the dreaded diet roller coaster.. Also if its not much get a gym membership instead of the tread mill. With a tread mill your limiting urself to one exercise and might turn out like those old people that do marathons because you will have no muscle. well no definition anyway Weighlifiting gets rid of fat as well, muscle burns more calories than fat as well, not some astronomical amount, but every bit helps right lastly i'd say get you some protein. I mean really thats all slim fast is marketed as a weight loss supplement. Im no nutritionist or trainer, but the above is what has been working for me.
  23. might burn the midnight oil tonight. ALmost got all this wiring done with. Its like plumbing with this torch and copper
