I would say the biggest thing is dont burn urself out on trying not to eat. I usually tell myself im not spending any money on fast food or going out to eat during the week. The weekend is usually not that bad either, because staying away from stuff for 5 days usually starts to train your appetite if you will. Most people say im not eating anything bad anymore and wind up on the dreaded diet roller coaster.. Also if its not much get a gym membership instead of the tread mill. With a tread mill your limiting urself to one exercise and might turn out like those old people that do marathons because you will have no muscle. well no definition anyway Weighlifiting gets rid of fat as well, muscle burns more calories than fat as well, not some astronomical amount, but every bit helps right lastly i'd say get you some protein. I mean really thats all slim fast is marketed as a weight loss supplement. Im no nutritionist or trainer, but the above is what has been working for me.