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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    Please help me figure this out...

    might check ur wiring to the crossovers and to speakers
  2. djjdnap

    17ft cadence 1/0 24.95 shipped 6-1-11 only

    2695 strands edit free shipping too
  3. djjdnap

    what wood glue is recommended

    ^^ yea i thought that was stickied somewhere? or was that on ca.com cant remember but they tested all of them
  4. djjdnap

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yea i just keep that side of the burner off
  5. djjdnap

    what wood glue is recommended

    elmers or titebond
  6. djjdnap

    Should I?

    yea i think blacked out lights look good on black cars. Plus u run the risk of gettin pulled over by a cop that has nothing better to do
  7. djjdnap

    Increasing voltage from Alternator

    well decided im going to put a switch on it like the link suggest to get my amp to act right. "doesnt like 15v" i had the diode in for bought a month havent had any batt problems, wt these hotter temps it shouldnt charge that high anyway.
  8. djjdnap


    wish i could vote twice for ya 28-inf 33-bealstar 45-mariob get this man 6 votes
  9. djjdnap

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    squats 5 sets deadlift 3 sets bench 4 sets
  10. djjdnap

    * SSA Zcon T/S Parameters *

    i need 4 18's for testing purposes
  11. djjdnap

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Man have u ever seen a cow eat a ear of corn? They got some strong ass teeth
  12. djjdnap

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol^^ so i kinda inherited this propane grill with my house.. if 1 piece of the burner is clogged more gas is going to come out from a different part correct...causing a huge flame? Thinking i just need to clean it wt steel brush. and yea idk wtf my gf was thinking.
  13. djjdnap

    going from 601 watts to 844 watts per sub

    gotta double power to hear a difference...or so they say
  14. djjdnap

    Welcome to the IHoP

    drank way to much yesterday. buddy drove me home, so i goto the manroom to throw up to get the sick feeling to go away. My gf then preceeds to call my parents and they show up in like 5mins mind you its like 4am.. So im curled around the toilet and my parents come in and start asking me dumb questions and trying to get me to drink some tea lol So i start telling them to leave im fine and they just keep asking dumb questions so i get mad and punch the floor bust my hand all up and they finally leave lol. how was ur sunday morning lol
  15. djjdnap

    im gonna be hitting 173 DB with my new set up

    lmao that mj thread lmao
  16. punched the floor while i was drunk and busted my hand open...i might have some anger issues lol

    1. jcarter1885


      or you just cant control your alcohol

    2. edouble101


      Jackass lol

  17. djjdnap

    Check this out

    dam what size wire did u use? 28 gauge lol
  18. djjdnap

    Door way Pull up bar

    lol u only need roids once natural training seizes lol.. ans idk bout bsn, got some of there protein and it didnt work for me Optimal nutrition has been doing me well
  19. djjdnap

    Increasing voltage from Alternator

    well id like to see the insides of the mla..... and thats a good analogy...but i feel like thats comparing apples to oranges. like saying i could buy a corolla or a f150
  20. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    nah i start sunday... any details on the sound off/
  21. djjdnap

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    jeezy thug motivation 101 the whole cd...seriously lol
  22. djjdnap

    Increasing voltage from Alternator

    ^^^ maybe a *bit different because it serves the same purpose correct? the difference is what? they build it in to a wiring harness for you to fit to ur alt so u dont have to splice any wires..... I mean if ur just tricking ur alt to bump up the voltage seems like the same thing to me.. ----------- crunkjuice. yea some cars are pcm controlled, meaning the cars computer controls the voltage, usualy newer cars. my girls grand prix has pcm controlled alt and the voltage is all over the place, sometimes 13v sometimes 15v... she doesnt have any amps or anything the only thing that pulls the most amps i can see is the traction control, slam on the gas and it cuts on and voltage drops to 12v easily.
  23. drinkin since 2pm

  24. djjdnap

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    seriously though lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x7zkjlQkCs