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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    Why you should just HIT the damn DEER

    It was a party down there lol.. was an accident on the main road so decided to take a side street.. saw one deer go in front of me and while looking at that one another one just missed the front of my truck smh went to turn around and got stuck in the grass like a ft from the rd. 80$ and 3 hrs later a tow truck can and got me out. I fixed my 4 wheel drive the next day lol. could try to sell it on ebay depending on how much he still owes on it.
  2. djjdnap

    Official: Show Off Your Shots Thread!!

    In North Carolina Fixing the door and fender smh Flying to Louisiana St louis I mis this car In gatlinburg wt my girl and her family prolly all the good ones i could find on facebook lol all iphone 3gs pics lol
  3. djjdnap


    everyone i know has a bike lol, im like the odd guy out. went to NC to black bike week last yr it was crazy down there. And the guy i work with really got me interested lol, all he talks about it bikes and i have to work wt him every other day or so lol. My dad use to have this old honda cruiser and he would let me drive it wt him on the back i had to be like 10 at the time lol. Then he wrecked my neighbors ninja 1000 or so i dont remember, but yea the more i keep hearing people say start small and i keep thinking back to that event the more i agree with you all. bout to spend all my money in vegas next month, so after that guess i can start saving up, less i win lol
  4. djjdnap


    Thinking bout taking that dive into the 2 wheel lane. So far best place i've seen to get one is racersedge411.com its in cincinatti, bout an hour from Indy, but they sell so quick you miss all the good deals. no idea how much insurance is gonna cost, which is my biggest concern really.. not trying to pay 1000$ for a year. But thinking i can put it under my dads name and save and just pay him the money lol. Also I dont want to start wt a 600, because i feel like im way to big lol, feels like im riding a scooter. but just an open topic really thoughts, concerns, pics, ect lol
  5. djjdnap

    09 silverado crewcab LT IAK worktruck THE REMIX

    the batts didn't help
  6. djjdnap

    Why you should just HIT the damn DEER

    good ole indiana for ya.. almost hit 2 deer on my way to vincennes smh.. events like this almost make u want to buy those deer whistles
  7. djjdnap

    Goodness gracious, God almighty....

    is that charlie murphy lmao lmao hell naw though lmao smash and bang
  8. djjdnap

    Bring back the life of the paint

    another coat of clear maybe
  9. djjdnap


    guess it would save on my pockets a bit to buy a dirtbike for a couple hundred first.. or find a ninja 250 although the site i mentioned earlier does have some ninja 500's
  10. djjdnap


    oh no im not financing lol saving up. only bad thing is its gonna take away from my audio habits lol
  11. djjdnap

    Wiring in series, out of phase just a little?

    my wires dont move... and i see it but i still call BS
  12. djjdnap


    i do realize lol, Just for fun really. My frat bro has a bike club that goes out of town riding like a couple times a month, so i plan on joining up. guy i work wt laid his bike down yesterday after a car turned in front of him smh hes been ridin for yrs and is 36. i guess i was a bit off when i said no exp lol, i know how to ride just need better clutch control, but dont have my own bike soooo there u have it. im 5'9 230 btw
  13. djjdnap


    i actually use to have a moped when i was younger and such. Yes im going to take the class. My friend has a 600 ninja and i rode it. He also has a zx14... which i think is way to big to hold up and didn't even attempt to ride. So yea a like the gsxr1000's or cbr954
  14. djjdnap


    no real exp and yea sport bike somin like this lol http://www.dreamgate.ne.jp/NSR/pics/bigtoe.html?iact=hc&vpx=358&vpy=137&dur=509&hovh=96&hovw=174&tx=122&ty=75&ei=0-MsTt79DofZgAeOuYX_Cg&page=1&tbnh=96&tbnw=174&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0 but think i'll just put it on my dads insurance
  15. i think it depends on the car....... my town car was a btch to get loud.. even wt 5000w my buick skylark i was going deaf wt 1200w and 2 12's
  16. RIP owen hart jammin to this intro music lol

  17. djjdnap

    give me a bad rep

    waaaaait a dam minute u can rep people!!!??? hey sexy
  18. they want 50$ for an underdrive pulley..lol Still waitin on Db-r to give me an update on my amps though

  19. djjdnap


    CA glue smells better though lmao
  20. lol at thugstep but on topic dude was coo i wouldn't put it on my ipod lol but offtopic heres 2 i did though
  21. djjdnap


    ca glue ika Cyanoacrylate adhesive The thicker the better but the longer it takes to dry
  22. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    on another note I fell asleep driving sun morning and hit someones mailbox, police came and what not and i owe the people 120$ for a new mailbox. I had been drinking earlier that night, last drink was prolly at 12.... was headed home from my friends at 7am got some breakfast form BK as well, so i wasn't intoxicated, but, ive been thinking i could have hit another car or someone and hurt myself or someone else. just hasn't been a good week for me.. guess this is what happens when you dont have any bass to keep you awake(sarcasm)