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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    Stupid question about Power Wire

    yes it will cut down on resistance. But the real question is do you need it.; which depends on your setup.
  2. lmao .. i think the last box that was in my TC was aero ports i just used 4 8" or 10" pvc or cpvc... idk I got it from a guy i know that works for the city for free. wasn't flared either but still sounded good, was alot of dam port area in a small ass box for 2 18's
  3. djjdnap

    Happp Birthday djjdnap

    lol im probably the youngest guy on here All is well tho. Degreed job as i sit here and get paid to do alot of nothing so far. 'sustaining engr 'is what they call it. pretty much the company has like 1000000 manufacturers and they want to be lean so they buy from china and mexico ect and we go though all this fda paper work to make sure they are the same spec as the originals.. I fell asleep uploading this video lol, and i guess it finished by itself because i just checked it from work adn its up lol i never posted it for whatever reason.. But this is from when everything was working properly earlier this year. gets good at about 1:50 yea i know long winded lol, cuz im bored atm doing this to stay awake oh yea lol atleast i know where the rattles are coming from now
  4. Its my birthday and i can cry if i want to lmao

  5. i take it the bike is a cruiser? You have way more room for options. But you said in the fairing which has me confused because ppl usually fit them in thier saddle bags. Never seen SD on any bikes usually just RF, Kicker, JL, alpine ect but probably because its older guys that usually drive them and they shop at Bestbuy and what not.
  6. only 1 i have ever seen http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/110249-fs-4654l-97-04-ford-alt-bracket-ford-mla/
  7. bump for a google search that i cant find the answer to
  8. I think people usually use slot ports because they can have more port area[ie. a 40x12 port] and it is easily adjusted if necessary. An aero port however is a different beast because your stuck with the same diameter and can only change the length.
  9. Who would have thought that the more you get paid the less you do lol

  10. Do you know how many amps use the same board? How many subs use the same baskets? its astounding honestly, but its a different company and the name hikes the price up because of name or better components.. Go figure Just like old lexus/camry was the same car just like an expedition/navigator same company slight adjustments slight price differences
  11. djjdnap

    fi sp4 18 vs ssa Zcon 18

    nothing wrong wt a lil brand loyalty.
  12. ^^ i like that one better lol.. 4 stage i think the one i have is only 3. wonder if i can get that at a discount from my job
  13. http://www.impactbattery.com/schauer-12-volt-battery-charger-jac1212.html schauer jac1212 15A have had it for about a year. Took about 3 days to charge up my bank of 5 batteries. cant beat it for the price i think i found it for 70$ gotta shop around
  14. djjdnap

    Help with batteries

    I would also say finish the big 3 first, with just power wire your bottlenecking. batteries go with what you can afford.
  15. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    lol... all i know is i got 2 hours of OT and this is my first week. 1hr of OT here is like 4 hrs of work at oreilly lol BALLIN
  16. djjdnap

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    lol... i might join for the right price
  17. well 2 subs give you more cone area so your moving more air. Also gives you more options on how you wire your subs ohms wise, im not familiar with the amp honestly. 1500w doesn't require that much honestly. 4guage is fine. depending on what your alternator puts out you might be fine with just running 2 batteries. at 14v you need 106amps to get 1500w....but you also have other acc like blower motor, lights, ect that take away from that . but lets say your on 12v car off...you need 125a so car off a kinetik 3800 for instance has 138ah, which is more than the 125 you need. so at a higher votage you would need even less. or maybe im just bored and telling fabricated lies of gold
  18. djjdnap

    Let's rep loud & proud @ finals!

    didn't get alot of pics but ehh
  19. djjdnap

    Another bloody calculator

    if you send me some wood glue and some wood i'd be happy to give it a go lol
  20. not like your going to see as big of a difference as you would with say a BIG 3 though. matter of fact you wont notice any difference. all imo
  21. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    ^^ been following the news via facebook
  22. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Man this yr has just been a plague it would seem. But in todays news no pics this time but I almost burnt my car up again lol. Driving along and smelled something burning, and im like not again!! pulled over looked at the amp, it was still working and no fire, so im like hmm look at the sub and smoke is coming through the cone.. As im looking for something to pour on it, it ignites and flames appear. poured some water on it and unplugged it. Ripped the cone apart the next day and for the life of me have no idea where that flame came from. The spider isn't burnt, the wires are fine and the dustcap is fine. weird..But im happy its not the amp, a 140$ recone is much better on my pocket. But the next project will probably be putting a radio on my bike
  23. djjdnap

    Official SSA Board meeting. Going on NOw.

    always good to see people making progress in any type of endeavor.
  24. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    well gotta luv craigslist. was gonna get the tires when i saw this posted for a decent price, called him and got it!!
  25. djjdnap

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    i had planned on buying 2 more 18's, but Mt's seem to be few and far between these days wt out giving an arm or leg. Db-r still has my Atomic amp, has had it for about a yr now smh, supposedbly atomic has a shortage of driver cards. So i will probably just find some rims, seen some 26" tires for 600 and found a place that has rims for 150$ a piece, which doesn't sound that bad. we'll see if any fo these plans fall through though..