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Everything posted by djjdnap

  1. djjdnap

    How yall been

    edit.... How much depth do those things have, kinda looks like ... |===(===(====) :thud: well the size thing didn't work so here :ugh: :thud: Don't make no damn since
  2. djjdnap

    How yall been

    How much depth do those things have, kinda looks like ... |===(===(====) :thud:
  3. djjdnap

    think this will sound good?

    just gettin another battery aint gonna cut it, thats just gonna strain ur alt some more cuz its tryin to fill both batterys.. :thud: Ok so yea a better alt will solve ur problem or get a say 10farad cap
  4. djjdnap

    Which sub(s)

    there both good subs i believe the Se's are more SQ oriented and the xxx is SPL, but still has a good SQ factor, so it would be like SQL. I would get the XXX despite the price.
  5. djjdnap

    How yall been

    Yea i know i gotta talk to david about that Sexxx, yea i know what it is... But last time I asked he said he only had one left, and since they are changing their line up i figured they wouldn't have anymore...So i was like well one of thier new ones should be about the same as the Sexxx....just from the looks of it i figured Sexxx = SX in a nutshell, but i could be wrong... Yea i know Memphis can bang, but thats the LVS or whatever that cost more than an RE for sure..
  6. djjdnap


    i have found that to get one all use gotta do is ask, not saying that you will get one, but i have asked a many of company from audio, to rims, to tv's and they have all said send a pic of your car and history of comps. I haven't sent anything before but if i ever need to i know what to do.. form JL AUDIO: In regard to getting a sponsorship- there are many people who ask for JL to sponsor them but not many follow through with doing what they need to do to make it happen. The first thing would be to draw up a failry specific system diagram of what you're planning on doing, some pictures of your vehicle, and a statement of how you will use it to help promote JL Audio as well as compete. :thud: :boink:
  7. djjdnap


    So now everyone can stop complaining about how thye cain't make it to the post office.. :thud: Check it
  8. djjdnap

    It's Hammer Time

    here come the hamma, uh oh uh oh uh oh .......
  9. djjdnap


    :ph34r: This is for a 12 i reckion :boxin:
  10. djjdnap

    TLM is here!!

  11. djjdnap

    d2 porn vid...

    How is that orion amp treating you??
  12. djjdnap

    How did you guys find SSA???

    actaully i was getting tired of caraudio.*** so i wanted to try a new site. :boink:
  13. djjdnap

    How did you guys find SSA???

    chk out my sie chk out my site --demim hey chk out my site :thud: :ugh:
  14. djjdnap

    Owned Pics

  15. djjdnap

    Just got in!!!

    I got a benz but it just sits thier, becuase my dad wants no one driving it :thud: haha, i could care less though. whaddup though, what r u looking for? are you trying to be loud, do you want it to sound clean, or do you want both.
  16. djjdnap

    >>>Momentum Article April Edition<<<

  17. djjdnap

    Shiva HT

    :boink: Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine :boink:
  18. bah i hate shops as of the moment, because they tried to fix one of my amps, but it broke when i got it back, and then they said it w my fault :thud: I basically waisted my money. But i emailed the company and they sent me a refurbished one, haha i love companies.
  19. djjdnap


    yea its like people buy the subs for like 220 (price of the sexxx) or so and then try and sell them as if they were mainstream prices. If that makes any since. tryin to get people in the :boink:
  20. djjdnap


    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW :thud: OHH look at the price.. :thud: :ugh:
  21. djjdnap

    anyhiphop heads

    tite heres some old beats i made http://www.soundclick.com/bands/6/djjdnapmusic.htm
  22. djjdnap

    Pump Up Songs

    Um trillville Lil John young bloods Linkin park Kid rock and Hanson lmao j/k :thud:
  23. djjdnap

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    Hey I've never seen it. :thud:
  24. ah what do yall know for a noob thats a great start, i remember when i first got my system, haha. 2 1990's type kenood subs, and a kenwood amp, couldn't even get the noise out of the trunk man i promise. But everyone has to sart somewhere, but yea I hope you didn't pay alot for the stuff. :thud:
  25. djjdnap

    ported or sealed?

    yea if you want more noise port it, if you want a tighter bass feel seal it. they'll both be loud though..but a ported one will get you better spl score..