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Everything posted by kikokiko

  1. kikokiko

    Ported box For 12" DD 2512

    for me, do what dd recommends, i.e. 16sq in/cu. ft., and tune a little higher 38-40hz
  2. kikokiko

    Configuring a 50.4 for mids / tweets

    Hi! i am expecting a 100.4 and im going to use it active, so please enlighten me. set channel 1/2 to HP x10 and HP it at say 5000hz, set channels 3/4 to lo pass x10 and say at 5000hz and set the SS of channels 3/4 to around say 80hz to band pass the mids as per your post, the SS knob is functioning independently regardless of whether the channels are used in HP/LP? thanks
  3. i think the best way would be to use the HP output of the pioneer to set for tweeter and use the mid output of the pioneer for for a band pass and then use the 3sixty to divide the pioneer's bandpass freq. for mid and woofer outputs. im doing the same to my 9887 dividing the high out using a audiocontrol 2xs thus making a bandpass for the mid.HTH
  4. kikokiko

    My Magnum

    very very nice.i like it. simple yet aptly powered
  5. kikokiko

    Expedition w/four 18" BTLs

    sick sick sick man!