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Everything posted by 5.4SPL

  1. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Haha I didn't even realize we were doing that, edit time.
  2. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Nice, I've also got 6k HID's, to go with the Harley Davidson imitation housings. 5% tint all around, Aero 3030 catback, S&B intake, custom tune. Eventually I'll be building the motor, then going forced induction (turbo?). Right now I'm pretty satisfied though, I've pulled on a few new Silverados, a few of the new diesels too. I'm in Orange County, CA btw.
  3. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    That's what I'm shooting for. Clean truck btw, here's mine. Currently it sits on a 2.5" Leveling kit, but that's being removed this week and a 2" drop shackle is being added to the back. Edit heres another outside my buddies house
  4. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Dual BTL's would be sick but I don't know if I'll ever do it. The 21" is pretty much just a "Wow that's badass I've gotta have it". I've seen that video, it was a 04-08 F150.
  5. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Can't wait to see some progress, depending on how long the 13Av.2 will hold me over, I'll drop the bomb and get that 21". You better make some videos of the BTL. Did you ever consider sub forward port up? i'll get pics unlike last time i didnt get anything, but i will get some vids of it, and as a matter of fact, i actually want to see how that will be sub forward port up, or a side firing port. i'm still open to other designs and suggestions, i just want to be over the top loud, and not seeing too many btl's in ext cab 1/2 ton trucks i dont know exactly what will be the best design for it. my ssd is sub up and port up and its pretty loud, but im still wondering how sub forward port up or sub up and side firing would be. anyone with the those experiences in a truck please chime in. My current box with a 12" Q is sub forward, port up, and it's really loud for a single 12". I've had dual 12" setups in the past that were sub up port up and they weren't nearly as loud, I found myself shifting and putting the box on an angle to find what was loudest to ear. But with sub forward port up I couldn't be happier. The box for my 13Av.2 (you'll see a build thread from BJ Fisher soon) will be set up the same way, only with aeros firing up. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=19051
  6. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Can't wait to see some progress, depending on how long the 13Av.2 will hold me over, I'll drop the bomb and get that 21". You better make some videos of the BTL. Did you ever consider sub forward port up?
  7. 5.4SPL

    enclosure for 18" btl fully loaded

    Can't wait to see this :] Seeing how I drive an extended cab F150 too, I'd like to see how you like it, and I want to see some videos. I'm going to be replacing my Fi Q with a eD 13Av.2 for a few weeks before my IA DP 21" gets here.
  8. 5.4SPL

    Hi-Res Fi Image?

    Thanks, but I already got what i needed from Nick. Thank you very much! i appreciate it! (sorry for thread and email lol...) /thread Hey I'd like that picture too :]
  9. 5.4SPL

    nissan titan box

    Unless you're willing to sacrifice seat space :]
  10. 5.4SPL

    will this bumb??

    My two CVR 10's will bumb out any type Rs.
  11. 5.4SPL

    Death Penalty 21" Pics!

    Been wondering this too.
  12. 5.4SPL

    Sad, sad day

    Nice, I'll be picking up a DP 21" pretty soon, what are the specs on that box?
  13. 5.4SPL

    FI Q12 vs BL12 for Reggae

    You'll be happy with a single 12, just give it clean power and put it in a nice box. Who's building your box?
  14. So I'm going to start building a loud setup soon, as my Q is fine for daily and sounds great, I want to build something to get really loud. I just want to move some serious air, what would I be happier with? Incriminator DP 21" in about 9-10 cubes, tuning (30-33hz?) Two 18"s, (AA Havoc, eD 19Ov.2, Fi Q/BTL, Mach5 IXL), in about 10 cubes, same tuning. Post your suggestions.
  15. 5.4SPL

    IA DP 21 vs pair of 18"

    :i can read just fine just trying to warn you about using LOUD & SQ in the same thread as 21" sub I never said anything about getting SQ from a 21" sub, I said thats what my Q is for.
  16. 5.4SPL

    IA DP 21 vs pair of 18"

    I have more than 10 cubes, I was just using that as a ballpark. I was also thinking about the electrical, it would be easier for me to back a 21" with electrical than something that would need more power. Thanks for your advice.
  17. 5.4SPL

    IA DP 21 vs pair of 18"

    Haha yeah thats the thing, having a 21" would be ridiculous, but two 18"s would be louder, I'm just considering the 21" because it's more exclusive and will give good output for a single sub. I would have a Fisher customs box built for whichever setup I decide on.
  18. 5.4SPL

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    So dope. I like it alot, the 45'd edge on the port looks sick too, great job.
  19. 5.4SPL

    IA DP 21 vs pair of 18"

    When in that whole post did I say I want loud SQ? If for some reason the rest of you guys can't read either: I already have my Q to sound good, now I want something loud.
  20. 5.4SPL

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    Money sent.
  21. 5.4SPL

    2.5 @ 33hz

    Had this for a month and I've gotten nothing but compliments on how clear it sounds, thanks again. I'll definately be doing business with you again. (Future = Dual 18" BTL? :])
  22. 5.4SPL

    2.5 @ 33hz

    Never said I used a seatbelt, I STRAPPED it in.
  23. 5.4SPL

    2.5 @ 33hz

    Yeah before I left the house I strapped it to the seat. Lovin this box. WELL worth the money. Build quality is top notch.
  24. 5.4SPL

    2.5 @ 33hz

    Here you go :] Sounds amazing, zero port noise.
  25. 5.4SPL

    2.5 @ 33hz

    Box is here, sounds great. Pics soon.