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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That would suck
  2. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stuck in the airport, crappy weather on the eastcoast.
  3. nem

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    Good video. Make it a sticky. Made me want to cry.lol
  4. nem

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    Nick if you see this e-mail me the quanity price at work please. nmunro@firstquality.com I will he here until 10:30 pm tonight. Then I am off to St.Louis.
  5. nem

    ordering question

    Excellent customer service!! :bigclap:
  6. nem

    rattling like noise with fiQ18

    Sounds like a good idea. Others could use this for reference.
  7. nem

    Small Build

    Thanks, Daren likes it very much. The problem now is his wife wants it in her suv. So keep an eye for more MLI orders in the next couple of months.
  8. nem

    Small Build

    This is going in a full size Chevy pickup. Nothing big just a little something to listen to. Sub is going in 1 cub sealed and the MLI are going in the front doors. We will be adding tweeters in time. Currently these are the only pieces I have. 1 AA Arsenal 12 and 2 MIL 6.5's. Enjoy the pics.
  9. nem

    Just sayin thanks

    What no pictures?
  10. nem

    Cutting plexiglass

    PM me with size, I might be able to help.
  11. nem

    time to lose weight.

    My Mother did that, and it worked wonders for her. The food isn't half bad either! (We all had to 'diet' with her. ) My wife decided to do this and I did not want to eat smartchoice meals all of the time, so I bought her the cook books. You would not believe the meals you can make for yourself. There are even books that help you choose what to eat when you go to restaurants. Just for referance last August I weighed 240lbs currently I weight 185lbs. So it does work and trust me when I say I am not one to miss a meal or snack.
  12. nem

    time to lose weight.

    bigjon, have you ever though about doing weight watchers? I have seen a lot of people follow this system and it totally changed their eating habbits which in turn help them lose weight.
  13. nem

    hey guys

  14. nem

    Brandon's New Door Panels

    That is going to be sweet. 2 eights in each door.
  15. nem

    Hey ppl

  16. nem

    Cutting plexiglass

    I have built a lot of industrial guarding useing lexan and plexiglass. What ever method you choose, cut at a decent speed so that your blade does not heat up and start melting the plexiglass. I personaly would use a band saw for material that thick.
  17. I would just remove the stock wire and replace it with the larger wire and not use a second wire from the alt to the battery.
  18. nem

    97 Maxima Build Log

    I've seriously thought about it, the only reason I haven't yet is I was planning on having 5.1 with the iva-w505 and pxa-h701 when I play dvd's. The kids dig watching movies when we go on a trip and that would be cool, HT in the car heheheh. I might just have to cave on that though...undecided. You know the kids are going to think that there is a monster trying to break out of the trunk watching some movies. lol
  19. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

  20. nem


    Respect goes a long way. Welcome back.
  21. nem

    Arsenal 10"s failing??

    It sounds like Brian is providing some good information on that forum. :bigclap:
  22. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Leaving for St.Louis Thursday for the Haunt convention and visiting an awesome Haunted House called The Darkness. Does anybody know of what there is to see in the St.Louis area?
  23. nem

    Single 12 xcon + BJ fisher box

    That box looks very interesting. Are there any advantages in that type of port?
  24. nem

    No warranty on the BTLs ???

    Very well said!!