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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    You can go smaller, check the stickies in the Fi section. A sealed enclosure might suprise you, it might be worth a try.
  2. nem

    new sundown amprack

    Looks awesome! Be sure to post some pictures with the leds on.
  3. nem

    oh snap!

  4. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    If you are able to build a box like that go ahead. You have very limited room to work with. Just an idea, why don't you try a sealed enclosure fisrt to see how that sounds.
  5. nem

    Axis 15 Kerf Port Box

    Looks different. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  6. nem

    Help chosing sub

    All are very good subs. You have a tough decision to make.
  7. nem

    Angry Oscars single ICON 12 box (rebuild)

    Does this mean he is now happy Oscar
  8. nem

    what's everyone think

    That's awesome, I hope i'm impressed, everything I've heard about SSA is nothing but great! I am sure you will be impressed with that combo.
  9. nem

    Fi SSd12

    I have never used hifonics power, but from what others have said they do rated power. I think you will be happy.
  10. nem

    12" ssd HELP

  11. nem

    Fi SSd12

    The ssd is a good choice for that price range. If you go sealed, keep you enclosure close to 1.1 to 1.4 cubes. What are you powering it with?
  12. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    Good luck and keep us updated.
  13. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    You could try these numbers to get you started. Put these numbers into the ssa box builder. You can adjust them to better fit for truck cab. I have the copper option and like the sq it adds.
  14. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    I would not do that. Build a new box.
  15. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    You could try these numbers to get you started.
  16. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    That is going to be a tight fit. The mounting depth of the sub is 7" correct.
  17. nem

    Those BTLs are huge!

    It looks like you have quite a nice collection of equipment.
  18. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    What are the deminisions you have to work with? I will help you.
  19. nem

    94' Yukon. 8 12'''s Tahoexfixssd's build

    Any updates on this build?
  20. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/product...sure_tools.html Use this link and as you adjust your enclosure size and port length you will see the tuning change also. Try to keep it right around 32 to 33hz if you can.
  21. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    Use the box calculater on the SSA main page.
  22. nem

    12" ssd HELP

    Hope you chose D1 coils so that you can run the amp at 2 ohms. If you have the room go 2.2 cubs after all displacments and tune to 33hz. It should get plenty loud with that amp. Good combo by the way
  23. nem

