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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think I was lucky as I ran into no issues doing my truck. 1998 with orginal plugs and wires, with only 76,000 miles though. I think come spring I am going to do the exhaust and ball joints.
  2. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have you had any of your plugs come apart? explain come apart please. Mine crap out on me often. I let the last mechanic put them in with no grease. He is a fam friend and he did the work for cheep in the winter when I cannot. I should have just taken it in, because now I have the same missfires. I was on the f150 forum looking for info on how to to mine, lucky the 4.6 has normal plugs so things were not too bad. The 5.4 has a 2 piece plug that some times comes apart and you have to extract the lower half. Here is a link that I read http://www.f150forum.com/f12/must-read-before-you-try-change-your-plugs-5-4l-3-valve-engine-198/
  3. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Have you had any of your plugs come apart?
  4. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I forgot how fun it is to work on vehicles. Almost 3 hours to do plugs and wires on the F-150. Most of the time was removing all the crap to get to the plug wires.
  5. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well now it looks like I get to replace the plugs and wires in the truck. Not looking foward to doing that.
  6. nem

    hi new

  7. nem

    Early Christmas

    Wow, very nice. Can't wait to see this build.
  8. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well the damn weather has had it's way!! Looks like I am staying home for the weekend No hayride!
  9. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When I put them on I want to be like Black Bart off of a Christmas Story when he jumps over the fence into the yard.
  10. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Super dem beats
  11. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It started out as a haunt at the local bike club and has grown into an addiction or sickness. We just recently bought some of these http://jumpingstilts.com/jumping-stilts/extreme-sports/?gclid=CMSSs4Dh3Z4CFU1M5Qod1XNWLA I just don't want to break my neck! ....I need those in extra fat guy please. if you can really run up to 20 mph and jump 9 feet I would never stop wearing those unless it was to drive. My co workers would be SO pissed. If you are interested I can ask the boss lady if she wants to sell any. Just so you know they are a full body work out.
  12. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It started out as a haunt at the local bike club and has grown into an addiction or sickness. We just recently bought some of these http://jumpingstilts.com/jumping-stilts/extreme-sports/?gclid=CMSSs4Dh3Z4CFU1M5Qod1XNWLA I just don't want to break my neck! Those look like a hell of a lot of fun! Just add a Tigger costume I just hope nobody gets hurt. Learning to walk in them is proving to be a feat in itself. When I get better on these, I will take some pictures. We are visiting a friend this weekend he turns his haunt into a Christmas theme. http://www.holidayhayride.com/index.html Hope to bring some pictures back. Randy always puts on an awesome show.
  13. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It started out as a haunt at the local bike club and has grown into an addiction or sickness. We just recently bought some of these http://jumpingstilts.com/jumping-stilts/extreme-sports/?gclid=CMSSs4Dh3Z4CFU1M5Qod1XNWLA I just don't want to break my neck!
  14. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DAAAAAAAAAMN. I'd like to try some BIBs with those, but seeing that I haven't built my Dayton Full Range BIBs, I doubt I'll do it. Only 30w, but look at the efficiency. Tube amp or small cheapie ftw. Perhaps office speakers. who am I kidding, I am too cheap to buy those. Wholesale price $132.73 Curious as to how you know and if you can get said wholesale price. We (spookhaven) have a wholesale account with them. I have purchased a lot of items from them for the haunt. Very interesting. Do you own spookhaven? That is an interesting question to answer. Five of use run it. As for a sole owner that is not me, my wife and I are vested partners in this business.
  15. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DAAAAAAAAAMN. I'd like to try some BIBs with those, but seeing that I haven't built my Dayton Full Range BIBs, I doubt I'll do it. Only 30w, but look at the efficiency. Tube amp or small cheapie ftw. Perhaps office speakers. who am I kidding, I am too cheap to buy those. Wholesale price $132.73 Curious as to how you know and if you can get said wholesale price. We (spookhaven) have a wholesale account with them. I have purchased a lot of items from them for the haunt.
  16. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    DAAAAAAAAAMN. I'd like to try some BIBs with those, but seeing that I haven't built my Dayton Full Range BIBs, I doubt I'll do it. Only 30w, but look at the efficiency. Tube amp or small cheapie ftw. Perhaps office speakers. who am I kidding, I am too cheap to buy those. Wholesale price $132.73
  17. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yea I have done that a time or two. Tough little buggers
  18. nem

    SPCA fundraiser!

    Bump for a great cause.
  19. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I see recent topics is back.
  20. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For some reason I really wanted to reply with... I bet those cows wish they had thumbs! I just watched that too.
  21. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Are you going to take pictures as you build that?
  22. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    they always put the ka-bosh on fun times. That's when you have to get som eflowers make like a civil enginear and lay pipe. and always remember. it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. That is what my sticker on my helmet says. She got that for me after I bought my bike without letting her know