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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Matt here is a video I found. CarnEvil Slider Show - Bing Videos This is what we are doing.
  2. nem

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Electric slide? When you are walking toward a group you go to your knees and slide toward them and do various moves to scare them. All ppe is worn for safety of course.
  3. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Almost time to Celebrate TOP!!
  4. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Membership is 1 away from 15,000
  5. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    We were invited to the Little League World Series parade Thursday, so it looks like I am going to build our float today.
  6. nem

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    3 days after learning to slide I am sore as hell. I am going to get back into decent shape to do this for a month.
  7. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Who knows maybe this could turn into the longest birthday thread ever. You know like Phineas and Ferb's longest day ever
  8. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Thanks Duran Age is only a number in which everybody but you counts after 21 Keep this on the down low buy the W is 40. Eh to me big birthdays go like this 16 (permit), 18 (gambling in most places, porn, and tobacco), 19 (if your in Canada or close to it), 21 (booze), 30 (start goin WTF happened?), 40 (mid-life crisis time), 55, and 65. After 85 its a big deal to still be here especially if u were able to stay healthy. J All birthdays are fun as I have a great family and lots for great friends including the SSA members and the Haunters.
  9. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Thank you I don't mind, I will take all the warm wishes.
  10. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Thanks Duran Age is only a number in which everybody but you counts after 21 Keep this on the down low buy the W is 40.
  11. nem

    SSA Skin

    Thanks Mark
  12. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank you The dark skin is not there, maybe Mark is doing some upgrages. AHH it burns! I dont see how ppl can look at this all day with it so bright! Hurry up Mark Damn! You got that right!!
  13. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank you The dark skin is not there, maybe Mark is doing some upgrages.
  14. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What happened to the dark skin? All this white hurts my eyes, I am a creature of the dark.
  15. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Thank you
  16. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    You can never be late for HB wishes. Thanks
  17. nem

    Noob from Cali ...

  18. nem

    What up people

  19. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks guys. Lots of rum, family, and cake=a good day. I bet you're the reason I needed a sailor jerry and coke this weekend. Empathic boozing.
  20. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Train your actors with Badger - Haunted House Forums Figured I would post this here so that all of you could check it out.
  21. nem

    Exclusive MTX Factory Tour | SSA Style!

    I would say NO. They are family owned. Family owned is the best way IMO.
  22. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thank you.
  23. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Next time I get down your way, I want to check your system out.
  24. nem

    Happy Birthday nem (Neil)

    Thanks guys.