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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like a good purchase to me.
  2. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You need to get lead above 600F to produce lead vapor. I haven't heard of a car getting above 180F so you should be safe. I would be more worried about skin contact and lead dust. I used to make sinkers and snags to go fishing and I am still normal. Atleast I think.
  3. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Let's hope you get it!
  4. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yea I am on my phone now and spell check did not like mdf.
  5. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I started cutting some mdf today.
  6. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Very nice!
  7. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did you burn up your gasket? If so, give me your address. No the gasket is still good, just need my hair to grow a little. Thanks. AMAZING how much fire the burp takes care of. Mine melted the fuck out of my gasket, so I added a gasket that is stable to 1750F. Of course, while setting in the new gasket (read first roaring fire) I singed/melted part of it as well. You can make some heat with these bitches. Yes it is amazing, but nothing compares for cooking. What material did you use? Can't remember, but it was like $100. I have enough to do another 10 BGE's though So, let me know when/if you need some. I looked over my felt seal and there is some wear on the inside. So I am guessing I should replace it this year.
  8. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes I read it twice to understand. The chart I copied made it a little easier also.
  9. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is what my snorkling video camera is able to be set to. I have it set to 1080 so it was only doing 30fps, next time I will set it to 720 and see. 1080p—1920 x 1080, 30 fps 720p / 60 fps—1280 x 720, 60 fps 720p—1280 x 720, 30 fps And you'll get aliasing at above 30Hz with 60fps. I realized that after I finished reading up.
  10. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did you burn up your gasket? If so, give me your address. No the gasket is still good, just need my hair to grow a little. Thanks. AMAZING how much fire the burp takes care of. Mine melted the fuck out of my gasket, so I added a gasket that is stable to 1750F. Of course, while setting in the new gasket (read first roaring fire) I singed/melted part of it as well. You can make some heat with these bitches. Yes it is amazing, but nothing compares for cooking. What material did you use?
  11. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    In the illustration the green lines represent the points at which the two functions are observed. At those points the functions have the same values and would thus generate the same vector. The nature of the aliasing for a particular number of observation N can be determined analytically but it is more convenient to show the aliasing by way of a table of the dot products of the vectors generated from sin(jx) and cos(kx) for various values of j and k for a particular value of the number of observation N. The table below shows the dot products for N=4 and for j and k running from 0 to 5. The squared norms shown on the diagonal should be 0 for the zero vector sin(0x) and N for the unit vector cos(0x) and N/2 for all other independent vectors. These values are shown in highlighted in green. When a vector for a higher value of j aliased into the zero or unit vector its squared norm is 0 or N. The values on the diagonal of the table in which the squared norm is not N/2 are shown highlighted in blue. For the vectors generated by sin(jx) and cos(kx) for i&neq;j the dot product should be unless one is aliased into the other. The case of a nonzero dot product off the diagonal are shown highlighted in pink. In this case when N=4 the vector for sin(2x) aliases into the zero vector sin(0x) and the vector for cos(3x) aliases into the unit vector cos(0x). Likewise the vectors for sin(3x) and cos(3x) for the case N=4 alias into the vectors for sin(1x) and cos(1x), respectively. There is no way to get independent vectors for this case beyond the ones for j = 0 and j=1. But an arbitrary 4 dimensional vector will not necessarily be perfectly representable by three vectors. Thus for the case N=4 the Fourier series cannot perfectly represent the observations. The inclusion of vector that aliases into another vector makes the representation or fit of the Fourier series worse rather than better. In fact, the unintentional inclusion of an aliasing vector would make the determination impossible because the matrix of dot products would not have an inverse.
  12. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aliasing. Google it and all will be clear. If I use an old VHS camcorder would it look different because it is not digital?
  13. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jared that UV tat looks awesome!
  14. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is what my snorkling video camera is able to be set to. I have it set to 1080 so it was only doing 30fps, next time I will set it to 720 and see. 1080p—1920 x 1080, 30 fps 720p / 60 fps—1280 x 720, 60 fps 720p—1280 x 720, 30 fps
  15. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Did you burn up your gasket? If so, give me your address. No the gasket is still good, just need my hair to grow a little. Thanks.
  16. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's the frame rate on the camera. Ok I will have to get the good video camera and see if that is any better.
  17. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    With any luck all pieces will be here on Wed and Thur to get the new build underway!
  18. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I made a quick video of my subs today and it looks like they are doing the wave. What makes it look like that?
  19. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Guess I will have to wear the mask again so I don't look gray,
  20. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was making pizza today on the egg temp was 600+ and I went to peek in the egg and forgot to burp it. Most all of my hair is now singed, then the wife comes home and says boy you look gray. Lesson learned and I will not do that again.
  21. nem

    S. DeYoung

    I must say it is nice to read something positive from the buyer about the seller.
  22. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I noticed mine changed too.
  23. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Almost like hitting a tree.
  24. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I wanted to share a text I just got. Unkel Neal can I spend the night at your house, I just home and want to hang out with you. This little guy is turning 7 here in 2 weeks. Looks like a sleepover is in order.