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Everything posted by nem

  1. nem

    18" in an Escape build

    I remember those days. Looking good so far!
  2. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Probably both lol I realized I have not eaten since yesterday at 5pm. I've done that before been so busy and not eat for a day then drank... bad bad day lol. On another note I love pepperjack cheese... mmmm My sleep and work schedule keep my body guessing. I only eat when I am hungry.
  3. nem

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    Looking good! How do you like those beasts beating your guts out?
  4. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Probably both lol I realized I have not eaten since yesterday at 5pm.
  5. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wow I think I drank too much or did not eat enough today.
  6. nem

    Sundown : New 2012 Stuff

    Good question, I am going to hold off on my second 125.2 purchase.
  7. nem

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    That sounds awesome. I like fire. LNI said no flames inside the haunt BAD Dragon!
  8. Both of my sundowns are refurbs and they work awesome! You have nothing to worry about, nice work!
  9. nem

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    That sounds awesome. I like fire. LNI said no flames inside the haunt
  10. nem

    NEM's Evilinator!!

    So I did a little brain storming today and I think I am going to include the dragon in one of next next videos. Now If I can get him to quit blowing fire!
  11. nem

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Box looks pretty damn nice. Glad you got things figured out.
  12. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

  13. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I used to watch him wrestle when I was little.
  15. nem

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    That amp looks huge next to the alt. Nice build!
  16. nem

    My other addiction.....

    Pretty sweet project there. On my small tank which was 150gal I used to run 10 T-12 vho bulbs and 2 175watt MH bulbs.
  17. nem

    My other addiction.....

    Yeah man i feel you i had a huge crash a year back that took almost everything out along with what would have been about 2k worth of corals if i sold them. Mines just a 75 but its killer setup that took me some time to build and acquire all the stuff. I do frag and sell as much as possible to get some money back. I also work out at an outdoor aqua aquaculture facility that one of my friends runs. I honestly enjoy the corals more than anything. Ill be sure to get you and bigjon some more pictures of the entire setup along with some close ups of some coral. What are you using for lights, leds?
  18. nem

    My other addiction.....

    Nice! I have been in the salwater trade for many years. What size is your tank, Do you have pictures of your filter and skimmer? Do you frag your own corals, I saw the plug plate in the upper corner. If you need any help please ask me.
  19. nem

    New to this forum

  20. nem

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Sweet! Getting closer Steve.
  21. nem

    FI BL 15 Motor out of whack

    How old is it?
  22. nem

    My new family member

    That is what our yellow lad is named.
  23. nem

    FI BL 15 Motor out of whack

    If you can post some pictures. If the magnets moved I don't think you will be able to fix it.
  24. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like a good trip! I am heading that way in July. If you watch for Lucky jeans you can find them at sams club on and off depending on the overflow from china.
  25. nem

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is an awesome pic of your mask Neal. The install looks SUPER clean too! Thanks Jared, our family is mostly from Scottland.