Hello to all! This is my first post and I'd like to get some info (please). I've a 2007 Subaru Forester that I plan on having a system installed and have some questions concerning the install. The system will consist of Tru amps, t03-250.2 (for sub) & t03-4.150 (for front tweets & mids). HU will be Clarion DRZ-9255. The speaks will be either Hybrid Audio Referernce or Seas Reference. Anyway, here are the questions & pardon me, I know only enough about installs to start a fire. 1-Are the DRZ-9255 crossovers active & do I need outbord crossovers? 2-Is there such a thing as a sub that can/will compliment the seas or Hybrid drivers? 3-I've only 2 inches of clearance for the mid drivers they can be spaced an inch but still very tight, is this problematic? 4-My installer says the speaker wire quality is not an issue. Any thoughts? Finally, I've heard that this vehicle is a bear to get good SQ. Can this mean that my equipment selection is overkill? That's all I can think of at the moment, any/all help is greatly appreciated. THX in advance, Sam