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Everything posted by SPLChris

  1. So my game plan is to do 2 twelves facing front with port facing driver side rear fender area. The box width is going to be just wide enough to accommodate the subs so a little more than 25" but would it be better to have the height about the same as the subs or would it matter, in terms of SPL? If it's around 13.5" (internal height 12") then I wouldn't be able to stack the 4" aeros. If it's 15" then I can stack them but to me, I feel as though the more streamlined shape of the other box would allow for higher SPL. The taller enclosure would be shorter on depth too, obvioulsy. I could also just be thinking about this way too much but whatever
  2. It's worked well for me in the past so why not?
  3. SPLChris

    Early Christmas

    I love my SPL 15's. They are probably one of my favorite street beating subs. Mine are different because I only have the soft parts and different baskets. Is the backplate vented now?
  4. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Some buss bars under the hood and my XA3000D
  5. SPLChris

    Very big build

    I'm building up a "foundation" for a future bass race setup in my Jeep. Right now, it's just for two 15's but I would like to get some heavy duty 18's in the future once I add more power to the mix.... The rear chamber is 9 cubes tuned to 33 hz and the front chamber is big with a big port The port and subs from the rear chamber will be facing right in front of the loading wall. For anybody that asks why I used particle board....Lowe's was out of MDF, plus it was cheaper. Not a big deal to be honest. We'll start off with what was in my Jeep before: Start of the tear out...
  6. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Yeah, very little ones though. It's very cold out and rainy and it sucks. I ran all new 0 guage so I have a total of 6 runs. Knukonceptz KLMX cable. My Powerbass came back from repair! It got a whole new board. It's wired at 1.4 and it's audibly louder than my xd1800 wired at .7 I'll get some pics up when it stops raining.
  7. SPLChris

    New Sundown "E" Woofer Line Sneak Preview

    It looks like the Qts of the speaker rises with each larger speaker. If that's the case, you should make an 18". I'm looking for a nice driver for open baffle use in my HT
  8. SPL 15's for sure and I don't think building a wall would be necessary
  9. SPLChris

    Bandpass hair tricks

    Build log^
  10. SPLChris

    Bandpass hair tricks

    Some hair tricks with the same setup so far. I still need more power, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=988kmzEybpo with the passenger side door open, it isn't as great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLJ_vx-GrLs
  11. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Yeah, I still have a lot of stuff to do with it, if only I could find the time.
  12. SPLChris

    Bandpass hair tricks

    Yeah, that's my sister
  13. SPLChris


    SPL 15
  14. SPLChris

    Some SPL 15 flexing

    Yeah, and remember, this is with an American Bass XD1800 so I MIGHT be getting 2000 watts. Hopefully it'll move more air once I get my XA3000D back.
  15. SPLChris

    Some SPL 15 flexing

    Some short videoes of my 6th order wall in my Jeep. Mach 5 SPL 15's and an American Bass XD1800. My Powerbass XA3000D is in for repair. Still have a lot of tweaking and testing to get this build running full tilt. Thanks for the views! Door flex from the inside. 22 hz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kVUFE3LjUo Roof flex/wave. My camera didn't pick it up very well. It's violent, though. 33 hz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf__x8HY5As Some door flex at 20 hz. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEwtb79NM-g
  16. SPLChris

    Some SPL 15 flexing

    The rear chamber is 9.5 cubic feet tuned to 31 hz and the front chamber is ~23 cubic feet tuned to 60.
  17. SPLChris

    Some SPL 15 flexing

    yah. It's very efficient but I think the combination of the 2 ported chambers actually lowered my rear chambers tuning frequency because it plays ungodly low and this isn't even with my XA3000D so it should be much louder once I get that back in. I need to figure out why the 30 hz region is lacking, though.
  18. I posted this over on the Mach 5 Audio section, too. Some short videoes of my 6th order wall in my Jeep. Two Mach 5 SPL 15's and an American Bass XD1800, so not a whole lot of power. My Powerbass XA3000D is in for repair. Still have a lot of tweaking and testing to get this build running full tilt. Thanks for the views! Door flex from the inside. 22 hz. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=2kVUFE3LjUo Roof flex/wave. My camera didn't pick it up very well. It's violent, though. 33 hz. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=xf__x8HY5As Some door flex at 20 hz. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=oEwtb79NM-g
  19. SPLChris

    Some flexing from my Jeep. 6th order wall

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf__x8HY5As http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kVUFE3LjUo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEwtb79NM-g
  20. SPLChris

    Very big build

    It's finished for now but my XA3000D blew and I have no idea why. I wanted to start testing and fine tuning it this week but I guess not If anybody wants to give me an amp that would be great!
  21. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Found my camera. I couldn't get a good angle for the rear chamber on some of the pics.
  22. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Okay, I can't find my camera but I got the baffle for the rear chamber on and most of the front chamber has a nice layer of resin and the wheel arches have been fiberglassed over. So far everything is nice and strong.
  23. SPLChris

    Very big build

    Not much done today so I didn't take any pictures. I filled in some screw holes and smoothed some stuff out with body filler. I might have to pick up some more wood tomorrow morning.
  24. SPLChris

    Very big build

    haha, there's glue. I've gone through about 3 tubes of PL adhesive and 4 tubes of liquid nails.
  25. SPLChris

    Very big build

    The loading wall has a little over eight total 2x4's Cat