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Everything posted by dbjunior

  1. dbjunior

    Bumpin in H-town, Texas!!

    there is a few ways depends on your goals, the room you have to use, the equipment.
  2. dbjunior

    Warden Series Release

    sbn is a month away any pics yet
  3. dbjunior

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    there great engines make the van quick had one cruise control at 115 still had more in it. the only problem is i think the enging has too much power for the trans ive heard a lot of people have gone through them. 3 in 120k not very good trans. hope you have better luck
  4. dbjunior

    How many wrms

    btl link take a look you can put some serious power on them
  5. dbjunior

    Sound Stream XXX

    if its a sponsorship what companys do you have to choose from. even if the shop is the sponsor you usually only get to use there products
  6. dbjunior

    level 3

    reccomended ported is 1-1.25 each the level 2 is .7-1cu each ported
  7. i love the sundown but the warranty on the ia7 is nice.
  8. dbjunior

    Upgrade to 15

    mj-m18 would love the power and only needs 5cu ported about the same as a 15
  9. dbjunior

    Building a sub box onto the cab of my truck

    any pics of the back seats and room you are working with might help
  10. dbjunior

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    its not as easy as how big the trunk is you also have to fit it in the trunk how do you plan on getting a huge box in the trunk?
  11. dbjunior


    even if i have to pay for it im not losing. there a great company and its gonna be a great sub and the price is very fair.
  12. dbjunior

    My Fi comparison thread??

    mainstream<nonmainstream mainstream loses almost every time there is better equipment better pricing and huge selection compared to the type r or l7 vehicles everywhere.
  13. dbjunior

    AQ HDC compared to Fi BL

    both are good woofers but if your only using 1k the diffrence wont really be that noticeable the prices are about the same i say go with whatever you like it shouldnt matter much. another sub to look at is the dc lvl4
  14. dbjunior


    even if i dont win i might pick one up getting a new car this weekend and my birthday is the 18th so i need to do something for myself.
  15. dbjunior

    8in midbass

    im building door pods will have about .3cu or so sealed.
  16. dbjunior

    8in midbass

    what do you think of this as a midbass silver flute very flat from 50-500hz incredible senstivity and i cant complain about the price.
  17. dbjunior

    Settings (Amp)

    level depends on hu and settings phase play with it til it sounds best bass eq off sub sonic depends on box low pass 10 oclock
  18. dbjunior

    Anyone tried IXL 10 I.B.?

    you could always try fi they have ib subs im sure they could get you a pair of 10's email them. you dont plan on driving the vehicle daily do you. if you do id do something to protect the subs.
  19. dbjunior

    Settings (Amp)

    anything below clipping. lowpass 60-80hz and ssf high enough to protect speakers.
  20. dbjunior

    Anyone tried IXL 10 I.B.?

    decent amount of xmax and low fs id say it would do alright just keep the power low 4-500w
  21. dbjunior

    shocker 3 recone

    try contacting peirce audio they do a lot of custom stuff they might be able to help.
  22. dbjunior

    One loud Trunk

    that sucks. would the atomic handle a small batt for a quick burp?
  23. dbjunior

    One loud Trunk

    why are you competing in street c a pair of 10's and a single amp you should be in street A
  24. threaded bus bars connect the batts possitive to bar through threads and connect power wires to any threaded hole. the big three is your charging wires alt to bat bat to frame engine to frame.
  25. dbjunior

    One loud Trunk

    hd3's? how do the hdc3's compare?